Hi Newbie here,

I had a knee replacement in May of last year and now need to lose the weight that happened from overeating and lack of exercise. I am really hoping this program works. Any great beginner tip?


  • AMSull19
    AMSull19 Posts: 37 Member
    be honest with yourself on your entries, even if you have a bad day (especially then). Its much easier to correct/modify your eating excersing habits if you can see it for yourself. If you eat a milkshake, log it in...seeing the calories is a good deterrant. Good luck!
  • rsonthelake
    rsonthelake Posts: 113 Member
    I don't have any tips, as I just joined in November, but have been active for the last 5 days. Just make yourself accountable, read the success stories, find friends through forums who you think will be a good match in motivation. I have found, as well as many of my friends, this to be a wonderful site. Tracking makes be accountable. Good Luck......we are all on this journey together.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 557 Member
    Good luck on your journey!!