Anyone doing the Prism weightloss?



  • tirby
    tirby Posts: 3 Member
    My husband and I are going to be back on the program as soon as I can get the guidelines and allowed foods for AT LEAST Phase 1. Its been 20 years that we did it. both lost 50 lbs. . As with all LIFE things I'm getting older and am a grandma now and need to get back on it. CAN ANYONE help me with the info. I cant find the phase one curriculum or into book anywhere. Im waiting for the book that came out later and is still for sale used.... But the PHASE 1 food guide is a BIG DEAL. Im an "exact" person so if I play the guessing game.. or I THINK its this.. I wont succeed. I need to for my grandkids. I have 20 lbs to lose and want my grandkids to have a good example to follow like my kids did 20 years ago. ANYONE have the info they can share? I am trying to find the cook book too but that I can live without..
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    You may find someone who remembers this diet. But I think the people who were on the thread originally are probably gone by now as it was first posted in 2013

    Personally I find that eating the foods I like but keeping them within my calorie goal is more sustainable than diets planned by other people as they invariably cut out all the foods I like :)
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    Most of the posters from 2011 stretching to end of thread in 2014 ( until tirbys reserection today) seem to be old posters of few posts.

    Perhaps start a new thread to see if any followers still around?

    But sounds unnecessarily complicating matters to me -- just eat at your correct calorie level and if you want to avoid processed foods, do so.
    No need to have meaningless rules about it like flour has to be fourth on ingredients list.