Stupid sugars!!! >:(

So I keep going over on my sugars.. And my sodium but that's a whole other matter!! Most of my sugars are from fruit.. So how many of you pay a lot of attention to natural sugars?? Feel free to look at my diet and give any suggestions... I'm thinking I might actually come close to meeting my calorie goals for the first time.. But if I keep eating.. I'm gonna go further over in my sodium and sugars!!!!


  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    I go over on my sugars ever day pretty much and I'm losing at a good pace. I wouldn't worry, especially since they are natural sugars.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Because your diary doesn't list the sodium or sugar content, I can't see exactly where it's coming from. However, if you are getting your sugars from fruits, then don't worry about your sugar number. I don't even track mine. MFP has an unrealistically low number for sugars, especially if you eat fruit in your diet. So don't worry about that one too much!
  • Shamrock40
    I also go way over on my sodium and usually a little on my sugars. Diabetes does run in my family, but my sugar always comes back in normal range. I'm going to work on the sugars a bit more when I've lost more weight. The way I look at it, when I think about what my sugar intake was a month ago when I was eating whatever ... I'm definitely doing better. I'm keeping an eye on it, but I'm not worried about it. One way to watch your sugars is to watch your carbs. I'm always under on my carbs, but I try not to eat them too late in the day because they don't get burned up like they do when I eat them earlier in the day - they turn into sugar!

    I have a thyroid problem and low blood pressure, so my sodium levels are not much for concern for me. I wouldn't worry about it too much unless you're diabetic or prone to it.
  • Teran0612
    Teran0612 Posts: 263
    Sorry.. I thought since I could see them, that meant they were there.. I changed the settings :-). I wish they categorized natural sugars.. And sugars from.... Say the birthday cake I ate the other day!!! Lol I had a lifestyle change after my 3rd child and lost a lot of weight with only semi watching my calories and fat intake.. And kept "sweets" within moderation.. I quit my new lifestyle when mom became ill, and have since had two more babies!! So this is the first time I've ever really kept track of the numbers and I stress when I see them in the red lol.