Newbie to MYP

courtrptr13 Posts: 272
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All! I'm looking to lose 35 - 40 lbs after having my third child. I've lost weight before so I know I can do it, but right now I'm dealing with a back issue that I need to resolve so I haven't been working out. Going to the dr. Tuesday to find out more and I'm really hoping they give me the go ahead to work out so I can start working toward my goals! Hope to find some motivation here and also to be able to support others in reaching their goals.


  • kat1139
    kat1139 Posts: 13
    Hi there! I have also joined up recently. Hope you get good news from the doctors regarding your back. Motivation is my biggest weight loss challenge.
    We now have a community of people just like us to help us through! Good luck to you :)
  • mrsannett
    mrsannett Posts: 257 Member
    Hello there! Welcome aboard!! Good luck on your new journey. We are all here for support!
  • Welcome! I've only been a member for five days, but am so pleased to see that the site is so user-friendly! I've never been a calorie counter so this is great for me and helps to hold me accountable! Good luck to you and I hope your back report is positive! :happy:
  • orting514
    orting514 Posts: 153
    Greetings, i to have back issues and exercise is a challenge, i find rideing a stationary bike and when the weather improves possibly the real thing, is easiest on my joints. I live by a bike trail, and my goal is to ride most of it, or at least 1/4, (Its many, many miles long), i'll have to look it up,-- by summer.
  • orting514
    orting514 Posts: 153
    I checked it out from start to finish, one way, the trail is about 21 miles long, thats why i thaught maybe 1/4, or perhaps 1/2 the distance, although who knows, i may ultimately go the distance!!!!
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