-2,358 calories...

Haven't had a day like this in over a month!!!

Today I was -2,358 calories meaning I ate around 4600 calories today!!! I'm not sure what happened....it all started on Saturday and now its Monday....I haven't exercised since Saturday.

I just don't get it...I want to be healthy and look ah-mazing! however, i seem to sabotage myself...every night I get soo hungry....then I eat and eat....anyone else ever have days like this?

Somedays it just seems so far away....

I really need to shake this off....

Any suggestions to stay full and motivated would be greatly appreciated!

Best Regards,


  • nikkistyles23
    Haven't had a day like this in over a month!!!

    Today I was -2,358 calories meaning I ate around 4600 calories today!!! I'm not sure what happened....it all started on Saturday and now its Monday....I haven't exercised since Saturday.

    I just don't get it...I want to be healthy and look ah-mazing! however, i seem to sabotage myself...every night I get soo hungry....then I eat and eat....anyone else ever have days like this?

    Somedays it just seems so far away....

    I really need to shake this off....

    Any suggestions to stay full and motivated would be greatly appreciated!

    Best Regards,
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    My whole memorial weekend has been like this today is the first day since friday that i have eaten within my calories

    Tomorrow is a new day

    I usually spread my snacks out more that way I am in a way eating numerous times a day
  • CrystalBella
    CrystalBella Posts: 848 Member
    Its the memorial day weekend.. i'm sure e are all like that.. yesterday I ate all day long.. bbq and desserts.. and then we won't talk about all the captain and diet cokes i had.. i'm sure i was neg a million cals... tomorrow get up hit the gym and get back to what you know to do... you'll be fine girlie! :flowerforyou:
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    I know the feeling.... UGH....I end up going to bed cuz i can eat and eat too.. Make sure ur getting enough WATER... protein and whole grains.....and lots of veggies.... but besides that. Im not sure.. oh and make sure ur getting enough calcium . i know how u feel...i went to bed a couple nights early cuz i was outta my points and was eatting outta bordem
  • cwjett
    cwjett Posts: 189 Member
    yeah, i knew i was doing bad this weekend. my husband was off so we went out to eat a good bit and i got on the scale this morning and i gained 2 lbs! :cry: Upset but i will get back on the right track tomorrow!! :happy:
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I went over by 580 calories or something like that.....I don't even want to know what I went over by all weekend, I didn't have internet access so I couldn't keep track. Just don't let one day (or three days) get you down. You cannot undo today, so just focus your energy on tomorrow. Make smarter choices...like today, we ordered Jimmy Johns from home, so there is really no reason I couldn't have ordered it without mayo and just used the lite stuff we have in the fridge. Making small cuts like that here and there can really help.

    Tomorrow is a new day, forget about your failures and just focus on doing things right tomorrow. Like I think all this week, to try to make up, I will walk on my entire lunch hour (instead of just half an hour) and eat while I am working afterward. Good luck!
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    Well I have had those days, but not that high in calories:happy: I have to remind myself what my doctors told me about my health and my dear friend dying to young because she didn't do as her doctors warned her to do . I know we all would like to look sexy but this journey is more for getting you sexier and healthier. There are some foods that though they taste oh so good......... are oh so bad.:noway: I think some foods should be labeled like cigarettes, if you eat these cookies they will cause you to have a big belly and everyone will think your pregnant :happy: Something like that....people don't say that to me because they know I am to darn old.:noway: Smile we're in this together today and tomorrow and next week and/................
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    I think some foods should be labeled like cigarettes, if you eat these cookies they will cause you to have a big belly and everyone will think your pregnant

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Tomorrow is a new day! I have had many days where I was 2000 calories over. :noway: Usually if I went out to eat for lunch and dinner. Ugh! But pick yourself up and know that every day that you succeed is a step in the right direction. Don't let one bad day get you down. At least you know you went over because you were paying attention! Some people have NO IDEA what they put in their mouths...
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Don't beat yourself up, and start fresh! I've hit a serious slump now (15 lbs lost) similar to you, so how can we get out?!?! What if you start fresh from this minute on, make some new goals, and make a plan to get there? I did that Sunday, and today's a good day again, back on track.

    I wish you great success! YOU CAN DO IT!! :flowerforyou:
    Btw... your gorgeous!
  • greysweatshirt
    I was in a similar place. I'm going to admit that I haven't logged any calories since Friday and sadly, I didn't have any excercise to put in. :( I am going to get back on track with everything tomorrow!!
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    Don't worry about it girl..we ALL have those days..especially this being the holiday weekend...and tons of BBQing! Pick yourself up and dust yourself off ..start again tomorrow! I know this weekend was awful for me... especially the desert table at cookouts!!! I also have a real hard time when the sun goes down...night time comes and so dont the munchies! I could go all day with eating the bare minimum.. do great..then when the night time rolls arounds so don't the snacks! It is very hard but we gotta just stick to it..take it one day at a time..you'll get there!!:flowerforyou:
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    Who knows? Maybe it will work to your advantage. A lot of people on here say to kickstart yourself when you are at a plateau you have to eat more calories than normal. Then when you go back to doing well, it will start your weight loss again. Maybe that's what will happen to you. If not, oh well, just keep doing your best. Just don't give up. Good luck this next week! :tongue:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Awwww!!! I'm sorry you had a tough weekend! Well, tomorrow is a new day to track and get moving. :wink:

    I had a few almost oopsies this weekend. A friend a long time ago gave me a hint to help me through these times. I keep the Act II 98% fat free popcorn bags when I have super mungry cravings. I pop the bag in the microwave and drink tons of water with it and eat until I'm full. Usually just about two cups into the bag...But it fills me up, gets rid of the munchy feeling and then I'm guilt free. I bought several boxes (with several bags inside) at our Walmart grocery area.

    Good luck with the rest of your week. Tomorrow is a new day. You can do it!
  • Gabbi
    Gabbi Posts: 206 Member
    we all have days like that. Are u bored or something? Keeping busy really is a ++++++. Keep going, don't QUIT! This little darling keeps me motivated.
  • maverickyanda
    maverickyanda Posts: 422 Member
    Think of all the days you've done that (and worse) without even knowing. A burger and fries at Mickey D's and a shake would have put you at twice that!! It's just worse cause you're looking at numbers.

    It happens. Drink some water and move a little more tomorrow. Tomorow is another day.

  • stephaniek
    stephaniek Posts: 26
    Well, hopefully you've gotten out your negative feelings on the post and can now focus on the present and future! You are still here and logging in and that is something to be proud of. I hear you on how the downward slide seems to go much faster and easier than the uphill climb, but that's gravity for you! Try grabbing a bag of mini carrots to munch on if you get really hungry and turn off the tv each time you eat. I've also found that it is really heplful that if I don't have the food around, I can't and won't eat it. Get back up on the horse and cut yourself a little slack. You are going to be fine :smile:
  • nikkistyles23
    Thank you ALL SOO MUCH!!! :wink: I loved all your responses and motivating words! Everyone is so great on here! Seriously we need to have a Myfitnesspal get together! I'd say a huge BBQ...BUT, LOL...we all know how that went this past weekend!

    Well in any event....Thank you all again! I really appreciate your words and encouragement. I wish you all the best in your weight loss journeys!

    Lets all FOCUS, FINISH & CELEBRATE Together!

    Caio for now!:flowerforyou:

    :heart: Cholee
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    BBQ'd fruits and veggies maybe hahahaa!!!:laugh: