New to MFPal

misterpiano Posts: 14
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone and Happy New Year!

I've been using MyFitnessPal now for about 2 weeks, and I think it is a great resource. The thing I like the best are being able to link from my iPhone to my computers at work and at home..I always have my phone and is great to be able to update my calories as I go through the day and not try to keep track in my head.

I also love the recipe function. I cook a lot at home and it is awesome to enter my recipes and be able to save them so I have instant access to my nutritional info.

Another great thing (there are so many!) is that most of the restaurants are listed with their makes it so easy when we dine out to be able to look up the menu item and compare it to what I have left for the day, what an easy way to make healthy choices!

I started my program at the beginning of December, and was using another iPhone app for the first few weeks. I won't mention which one, but it was also pretty good. My wife (who really doesn't have much weight issues, just wants to be healthy too) started at the same time and she installed MFP on her iPhone and iPad. After a few weeks of comparing them I switched over to MyFitnessPal also for the extra features it has.

I started at 209 lbs, and I was somewhere around 200 when I started MFP (the first few weeks I think I lost my "water weight"), this morning I was 193.5 and I feel great! My goal is 180 by April 1st, so I'm about halfway there. My wife says my sleep apnea has disappeared, my snoring has been cut by about 75%, and my blood pressure is down 15 points...what great motivation!

I am enjoying reading the posts and there is a lot of great information in here!



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