new to calorie counting and this site

slimmer82 Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi i'm new to this site as I only just recently recieved an Ipod as a christmas present and this was a free app that I realised I needed. I am trying to lose 46 kg. I am 28 years old and I know that I have only a few years left to lose the weight before it will become really hard to lose it. I hear that the age it becomes really difficult is over 30 /35 years of age.
My weight gain is mainly due to previous medications I was on and lack of exercise. I was on Risperdal for bi-polar as many bi-polar/schizophrenics(known as related illnesses but very different in symptoms and in how it affects an individual) will know most anti-psychotics will make you gain weight. Bi -polar is a chemical imbalance in the brain that often needs to be treated with medication. I have bi-polar II disorder which means my manic periods are short lived, that I am often on an 'even keel' (appear normal) and I generally only get depressed very occasionally mainly during winter due to what's known as S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder). S.A.D explained - Have you ever noticed how a gray, rainy day makes you feel gloomy and tired, but a sunny day can leave you feeling cheerful and energized? Well, there's a scientific reason for this. Insufficient exposure to sunlight has been associated with low levels of melatonin and serotonin, carbohydrate craving, weight gain, and sleep disturbance.
I also have scoliosis (curved spine - accoding to x-rays my spine is shaped like an 'S'). I also have asthma due to smoking(I didn't have until after I started smoking). I also have weak ankles due to having fallen over a few times in high heels. I get sore knees occasionally too but I assume this is due to the weight on my small bones. YES there is such a thing as small,medium and large bones when it comes to our skeletal bones. I buy childs gloves and I buy an Aussie ladies size 7 narrow shoe. My hands and feet are tiny in comparison to most people my age or older, hell i've met 10 year olds wirth bigger hands than me that's how small boned I am.
In 2001 I lost all the weight (the wrong way) by being taken off my meds by acquaintances who also starved and exrcised me till I was a size 10-12 in the waist and hips, i still had to buy a 14 DD bra.I've been a DD since I was 12. I went back on my meds not realising they were the problem, started eating normally and not exercising as much and bam! all the weight just piled back on.
So I am back to being a size 18 with a now 24 DD bust. I just want to get back down to a size 14 in everything at least then shopping for clothes would be easier especially when shopping for a bra!!!. I am on different meds now so i'm crossing my fingers that they won't prevent me from losing weight.


  • Hello and welcome. you have had a rough road and have some work ahead of you. If you need some support along the way go ahead and add I dont have any friends on here yet. Good luck on your goals!
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