Any mother/daughter teams out there??

shatay78 Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! My mom and I joined this site a few days ago as a way to have some measure of accountability for our calorie intake and our exercise routine. Together, we want to lose about 175 pounds. We are currently fasting (not so much for weight loss, but spiritual purposes) so our diaries do not reflect how we will actually be eating and exercising just yet. We would love to be friends with other mother/daughter teams and/or people who are our age, in similar life circumstances, or in the same region as us! We wish everyone a healthy and safe lifestyle change this year! Please, add us to your friends list! =)


  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    I would love to have my daughters on here with me. One has my genes and needs to loose the weight and inches. The other just needs to tone a little and is younger but at the age where I first lost my weight. I try to tell them about it but they brush me off. I'm hoping once I loose more weight they will join me. You can only ask right? I'm hoping my good habits (even though neither live with me) rub off. They do complain when they come to see me that I 'don't have anything to eat'. LOL. I just don't have the junk food any longer. Good luck!
  • my mom and i are doing this together and if we reach a weight loss of 25lbs by april (her bday) we are taking a much needed mother daughter trip to S.C. i hope you and ur mom are able to reach ur goal and enjoy this site asmuch as me and my mom do!!
  • midonhau
    midonhau Posts: 108 Member
    My mother actually introduced me to this site and now we are both highly motivated to keep using it as we've both been losing weight.

    We don' t have a collective goal but occasionally we go to the gym together and we've started buying healthier foods to prepare at home.

    All the best to you and your mom.
  • sandysula
    sandysula Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Shatay78! My daughter and I joined MFP together last January when she was living here at home with me. We were a great support system for each other - planning healthy dinners every night and each day when she went off to work it was always with a "Have a Healthy Day" goodbye! We both did great, I lost 45lbs and she about 25 (I had lots more to lose than she!). Well, since August when she moved across the country :(, and I was on a two week cruise, we have both fallen off the wagon a bit. She was back for 3 weeks in December and we vowed to "get back on track". I think we are both pretty much holding our own right now - its difficult when you don't have that daily support. When she left we said we were going to text, call, and be each others support system again, but, well, you know, life kind of gets in the way sometimes. So - that is our story for now, just a little bump in the road - we did it before and we'll do it again! Good Luck!!!
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    I've been telling my mom about it and she said she was going to check it out. I hope she joins because I think it would be fun to have her doing this with me!
  • Thanks for the responses everyone! I am so thrilled to see families joining together to make a positive difference for their future! We are really excited to get this year underway. Good luck to everyone and let's all stay "posted"! =)
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