Still at it! New to fitness pal!

I've lost a considerable amount of weight before coming to fitness pal. I'm reminded constantly that nutrition and fitness is a lifestyle, not just a faze. I've been working out and staying healthy since 2001, after I had my first son. When he turned 6 months I was really over weight and always tired. A few of my friend got together and we joined the gym and I just never gave up. I had a lot of tears along the way and felt really bad about myself, for what felt like a long time, but after about a year and a half of moving and figuring out how to eat healthy I started to feel great. Now I have had 2 more children for a grand total of 3 and we frequent the gym together as a family, and I strive to make home cooked meals everyday.

I'm lovin' life and my energy is good. Even though diet and exercise seems like a never ending process (because it is), it does get easier in time...and it does become second nature. I often remind myself that athlete's keep track of their nutrition, so I as well should keep track of mine, so I can perform my busy lifestyle at optimal performance.

I'm currently working at loosing my last 20lbs for good. No more babies for me, so once it's's gone.