working out at home.

ttabangel Posts: 57 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
just curious. I have a lot of weight to lose. But I am doing it at home. Any body had any luck just working out at home and making lots of progress. I am doing the 30 day shred. and then i got the shred it video today and also bought the banish fat video by Jilliam michaels and then i have other videos. Got lots of excercise equipement too. But caring for my son i can only get about 30 minute workouts in.


  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    30 minute work outs are better than nothing.
    working out at home is the hardest, way too many distractions!
    More power to you!
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    I've lost almost 20 pounds doing Ana Brett's yoga. I highly recommend. I've lost a ton of inches too. I couple that with taking brisk walks around the block or at the park with the husband. I have a serious complex with working out at the gym. (OMG is someone looking at me?!) I have about 60 total pounds to lose (-20 i've already lost)

    It's totally doable!!
  • ttabangel
    ttabangel Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks i will have to check it out. :) I have that fear too :) glad i am not the only one. :) Congrads on the first 20 pounds :)
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    I only work out at home. I started with Hip Hop Abs. Have an old strictly cardio aerobics video. Now alternating between Pilates and Shred It with weights. I also walk/jog or hike 2 or 3 times a week. I have very little trouble staying motivated. It's a lot easier for me to work up the energy to turn on the dvd player than get dressed, get in the car, and drive to the gym. It's definitely workable. Good luck!
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    can be hard to work out at home, its the only way i do it tho, im too self conscience to exercise infront of other people even my partner.
    at the moment iv just been doing some work out videos i found online most of which are around 30 mins long.

    this is the link to it the first few times can be tough and definately feel some aches and pains but dont let it discourage you just take it easy while still doing some sort of exercise while your muscles repair themselves.

    good luck to you :)
  • I worked at a fitness gym for 6 years, I guess I know too much about the "junk" that goes on at a public gym, and the stuff we would find in the pool/whirlpool, Well trust me, It was nasty. So, I much prefer to workout at my home.
  • You don't need a gym, you just need to "move it to lose it" :bigsmile: and you can do that at home too. If you don't already have it try Biggest Loser Cardio Max. I tried that yesterday and actually like it way better than 30 day shred. Awesome workout! Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • Juicey1401
    Juicey1401 Posts: 126 Member
    I workout at home and LOVE it...I paid for a gym membership for 3 yrs and only went for like the first month. I have been working out at home for over a yr now. I have lost 50 lbs. I like working out at home because if the mood hit me at 2 a.m. I don't have to try to find a all night gym. I give more to my workouts at home then I ever did at the gym. I know that home workouts are not for everyone but it is definitely for me. When I 1st started working out I was really out of shape and didn't want the embarrassment of trying to do it at the gym...most days I workout 2 or more times in a day and trying to get to the gym all that time is time consuming. I hope this helps.

    I know my tracker only say 19 but that's added in to make up the 50...I didn't workout while on 2 weeks vacation so I started my tracker over in Aug of 2010.
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    I've been working out at home (in my livingroom) since the Dec.1st and so far have lost 14lbs, could have been more but I took a couple weeks off around christmas/new years. I've been doing turbo jam and biggest loser bootcamp. I'm moving on to Turbo Fire now and once i'm done biggest loser bootcamp i'll probably try out Jillian Micheals dvds. I usually do one workout at a time, so 30 minutes here and then later 30 minutes there.

    I have a 3 year old son, so it can be tricky on when to get in a good workout. I either try to get a work out in while he is napping or asleep for the night or set up something for him to do like an art activity in his highchair, while watching me workout in our livingroom. If i want an extra workout or don't feel like doing a workout video I take my lil one for a walk into town pushing the stroller. Burn a good amount of calories that way :)

    I haven't been doing the gym thing because for one there wouldn't be anyone to watch my son during the hours they are open and secondly it's so expensive where I live and I can't afford it. So far i've had good success, I just have to keep motivating myself everyday to get off my butt and workout in my livingroom lol :D
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I only work out at home or I run. I've lost 30 lbs over the last 18 months and have about 10 more to go. I started with a kettlebell. I'm doing P90X now. You'll never catch me at a gym, I like being alone.

    My number one suggestions would be do your exercise before you do anything else, or end your day with it. It's much easier to get up, out of bed, and work out then it is to try to do it in the middle of the day. If Ive had a stressful day at work I'll get a second routine after work.

    I really love the 10 Minutes Solutions Videos - anyone can do anything for 10 minutes. Then you add 10 more at a time.

    Consider NetFlix - search their videos for options to test before you pick the right ones.

    Variety is the key to me working out at home, I'm constantly doing something different as to not get bored.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I worked at a fitness gym for 6 years, I guess I know too much about the "junk" that goes on at a public gym, and the stuff we would find in the pool/whirlpool, Well trust me, It was nasty. So, I much prefer to workout at my home.

    That is one of the reasons why I won't get a gym membership. My germaphobic personality just won't let me relax :) I don't view my work out as social hour either, I don't want to be friendly :)
  • Candice73
    Candice73 Posts: 19 Member
    Like the others have said 30 mins is better than nothing and you have some hardcore dvd's to get you working and making the most of the those 30mins...I would invest in a good hrm too so you know how many calories you are burning as it is easy not to push yourself so much at home than say in a least if you see how many calories you are burning you have a benchmark but can also challenge yourself...good luck and stay determined!!! xxx
  • Get one kettlebell. Get one lesson from an RKC and learn to swing it correctly. Burn 15 calories a minute and build functional strength at the same time. By the time you build up to 30 minutes a day you will be seeing results. I trained for a 15k race with nothing but a KB due to an SI joint injury.
  • Inpjs66
    Inpjs66 Posts: 109 Member
    30 minutes is enough, but besides the weights, you need cardio whether it be walking briskly or jogging in place. I paid 25.00 for a min trampoline and I burn more calories than going to the gym in half the time.

    When you burn calories and track them in your exercises, it's adds to your calorie intake for the day.

    There are a lot of people who don't know the benefits of rebounding on a trampoline! NASA invented it.

    Check out all the benefits. There are many different sites to read as well.
  • kim0913
    kim0913 Posts: 51
  • Inpjs66
    Inpjs66 Posts: 109 Member
    Bump? ???
  • ttabangel
    ttabangel Posts: 57 Member
    thanks so much... I got a workout trampoline. I will have to try that out too. Yes i love kettlebells.. Thanks everybody.. :)
  • I love at home workouts. It gives me the flexibility to workout whenever I want to - no matter the time or the weather. I'm in the Northeast and we've been getting hit with a lot of snow. No problem for me - my gym is my living room. My home workouts are way more fun than anything I could do in a gym. I've lost about 20lbs this year with P90X, Insanity and Turbo Fire. Right now I'm doing a Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid. As long as you're doing something, some sort of workout - it's a good thing!
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