This may sound extreme but... (re: infomercials)

These fitness/diet/weight loss infomercials tick me off! Seriously! They make me soooo angry! After being on this site and seeking out my own research based information and evidence- these infomercials sicken me to no end! I cannot stand how companies prey on desperate people who want to lose weight. "No gym time needed" "Eat chocolate at every meal" etc etc... oh man! Sorry- but I never really paid much attention to them until now. I'd like to see a public service announcement that says... "Wow- you can be healthy, lose weight, and live longer if you exercise and eat a balanced diet!" I'd like to print out a food pyramid and sell it for 10 easy payments of $29.99... I guarantee results! lol Sorry for my vent but on Sunday- these infomercials are on every channel!


  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    I'd like to see a public service announcement that says... "Wow- you can be healthy, lose weight, and live longer if you exercise and eat a balanced diet!" I'd like to print out a food pyramid and sell it for 10 easy payments of $29.99... I guarantee results! lol

    Hmm.. Not a bad business idea..
    The presentation would have to be tweaked a bit though..


    But yeah. Seriously. Because of these, people get the strangest ideas..
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I agree with you. Though, to make it worse, sometimes I watch them and think, "man, a year ago, I would have been online ordering or dialing numbers." Now, I'm just like what machine at the gym or exercise I can do to get the same results. As for the food ones (like nutrisystem) it is expensive but if people feel they need to pay to eat healthy, hopefully they learn that they can make the same meals without having to pay so much.
  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    hahahaha I hear ya! The problem is everyone knows exactly what it takes to lose weight and be healthy it's not a big secret. I knew how to for years but was to lazy to do anything so if a pill or a drink would do why not ? LOL Well i learned why not cause it does not work. I don't know who really is to blame stupid lieing info commerical or the lazy public that thinks it will work.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I have to agree with you - they're so stupid. And there's so many intelligent people out there that fall for the crap. I hear the ladies at the gym talking about one thing or the other and I just want to say to them, if there was a miracle cure for fat where we could eat all we want and not exercise, don't you think we all would have jumped on it by now? Instead of standing around chatting about stuff like that just get on the treadmill and move your butt! Maybe I'm being harsh but its irritating to hear some of these gals moan about the fact they're not losing anything and they want a magic bullet instead of working at it. You can't tell me that strolling on the treadmill at 2 mi per hour while chatting on your cell phone about what you're going to have at lunch at Taco Bell is a realistic plan for losing weight. If you believe that then I have a shake weight, a thighmaster, and a cookie diet to sell you.

    Okay, done now.
  • DoralisM
    I feel ya on the commercials, they get more and more ridiculous ... they sell microcomputer fat-reducing belt that you put on and they guarrantee all these things:

    * Remove surplus grease in stomach,waist,thigh
    * Remove pregnant stripes,variegated stripes,recover fine skin
    * Remove beer stomach
    * Stimulate breast nerve network,make breast firm and powerful
    * Produce healthy magnetic field,increase cell motion power
    * Eliminate tire and pain of muscles, make skin fine and elastic, relax, soothe and unlock tight muscles for lasting pain relief.
    * Make your body healthy and thin

    YEA RIGHT!!!! LOL These people are True scamers.. these are mere words, its impossible to loose fat while you keep eating bad. And NO way a belt reduces stretch marks and makes you tits perkier! Stretchmarks can lighter over time, not with a damn belt!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Everyone wants instant gratification....without the work! Yes we know what we have to do, we just want a short cut to it. The reality is that there isn't a shortcut. You do the crime, you pay the time.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    they sell microcomputer fat-reducing belt that you put on and they guarrantee all these things:

    What's up with these magnetic fields anyway? If they had any weight loss effect, there are enough gadgets, generating electro magnetic fields, around us that all people would be and stay slim!

    By the way. I'm imagining a result of using a fat reducing belt.. A thin band around your waist where the fat is gone but remaining everywhere else.. LoL!