New Here

LorrayneA Posts: 3
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone, I am Lorraine and I am also new to to MFP. I was introduced to the program last Monday 01/03/11 by my Supervisor who shared that we can access MFP on our Droids. With the encouragement of my supervisor, a co-worker and myself have committed ourselves to making an honest effort to follow each other and offer support. So far, very cool we have both lost 4lbs. I enjoy that I have instant access on my cell phone so I can journal each morsal of food that touches these lips. I like the capability of being able to scan an item by the bar code, it makes it so much easier to finding items.

Good luck to everyone, it's not an easy battle to lose weight but with committment and dedication and the help of MFP we are off to a good start.


  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    Good job on the loss.
    Feel free to add me. Always can use extra friends to bring the encouragement when we need it.
  • 951heather
    951heather Posts: 75 Member
    Welcome! I am on my fourth day here and am loving it! You can add me if you would like!
  • jppoynt
    jppoynt Posts: 16 Member
    Awesome - 4 pounds!!! Welcome - I'm newish myself....the site seems fantastic!
  • Thank you!! Will do :-)
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