
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I've lost 25 pounds a year ago and ever so slowly have gained back 15. I've been tracking, then getting discouraged on days when I'm over ,and find myself deleting my account to "start fresh" again. The problem is I've been starting fresh for months and have only put on a few more pounds. .


  • jenlen65
    jenlen65 Posts: 47 Member
    I truly believe that if you keep your mindset on your ultimate goal, it will get easier. I've only been on this for one week and it has been a rude awakening. It is not easy, but each little victory makes me keep going. We all get discouraged, but you are worth getting past that and being the person you know you can be. I was at my heaviest when I started this and I was disgusted with myself. We all mess up a bit with our calories sometimes, but that's okay. That is NOT a failure. Just keep right on going with what you know you need to do. I will pray for you because I know how incredibly hard this is. Don't lose confidence or faith in yourself. You deserve to be happy with yourself. Hang in there. I would be glad to "friend" you if you want. We all need encouragement. This is the best place I know to get it. Take care and remember, you CAN do it!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • hedkie
    hedkie Posts: 25 Member
    today is day 1 of me finally taking back control over the exact same situation. i had lost 32 pounds but found it almost impossible to maintain, and so when i gained first 7 and then 10 pounds back i barely cared, but then i also stopped exercising regularly and finally realized i'd let myself sneak back up to almost 15 pounds of weight gain, which in turn is almost 1/2 what i had lost in the first place. as of today i am back on an exercise regimen and a strict (but healthy!) diet, and i'm hoping that 10 of the 13 or so pounds will come off very quickly and then i can work on the other 3 or so pounds more slowly...i don't know what your plan is, but good luck with it!!!
  • Teebowen
    Teebowen Posts: 78 Member
    I feel your pain as 18 months ago I was finally where I wanted to be but then the resource I used to help me (lap-band) blew a hole in my stomach.... I have gained 1/2 bqack of what I lost and feel so sad mad hurt andgry etc.... at times... but we are here now and you can do it!
  • mjcrothers
    mjcrothers Posts: 59 Member
    I truely believe our past plays a huge role in how we perceive life and ourselves. It can be a good influence or a negative one. Weight loss in the past can encourage us to keep going; but just as much, weight gain can be a huge discouragement and even overshadow any weight loss we have made.
    But at the same time, we need to own our past. Accept it, recognise it for what it is and use it to help you to move forward. Try to not delete it, acknowledge it and forgive yourself.

    All the best for the NEW year!!
  • erhan111
    erhan111 Posts: 2 Member
    Yep - it's easy to fall into that discouragement. I'm new to this site, and hoping that THIS time I can stick with it. I do think tracking works - I lost 30 pounds with Weight Watchers, mostly because I forced myself to track and go to meetings. I put it all back on and then some over about 5 years. It's an ongoing struggle. So now I'm back to it. I've found it helps that a friend is on this site, and she's encouraging me. I'm also hoping that some relatives will get on, and we'll challenge each other as well as support each other. If you don't have friends and/or family, I think that's really important. It's nice that you can create a community here on the website. Keep at it! If you want to lose for yourself, find your community, keep renewing. You're among a bunch of like-minded people - I'm struggling too. But when you're discouraged, pick yourself up and come back to your community here. Hope I don't sound too preachy! I'm right there with you!
  • I feel your frustratiion. I weigh every time I go the gym, even though I know that is wrong to do. I always hate to see so much as one extra ounce. However,k the days the scale show a lose it it great motivation to exercise all that much harder. One advantage is the fact my clothes are fitting better, and I was actually able to move some pants out of the closet cause that are too baggy. Keep working on it.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member

    I read an article a while back that was talking about losing pounds. It seems the 'average' person who loses pnds has a habit of putting not only those back on, but also a couple extras within a year. Seems that the faster you lose the more likely you are to put those back on.
    Now, going with that theory, if you lost pnds and then over a course of several months only put half back on I would say you are more successful than average. That means you ARE doing something RIGHT! So instead of looking at the half that came back, look at what you have accomplished.
    You are all very amazing people and I encourage you to keep on going in your healthy pattern.
    quote here
    "if it were easy to do than everyone would be doing it"
    You can feel free to add me ;-]
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    don't take it as discouragement .... how about motivation instead. I did the same thing, however I did not delete my account the last time I messed up (december) I went ahead and put it in anyway....it pissed me off over and over and then decided I would turn it around, it felt SO good to put in my daily and even though I had days that were way over, I finally got to see one day when it started to go down ---- now it's motivational to get that daily input in - if it's good input that's awesome, if it's bad, that's my motivation to get it better tomorrow.
  • See this is why I joined MFP... you have so much support. I keep this on my computer at work and on my fridge... We all have our bad days just remember for every bad day there are good ones.....
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