How do I do this?

Ok, so after researching other sites, and watching a few docs on weight loss I have decided to add vitamins to my routine. I got Calcium +D, Magnesium, a multivit, green tea, vit C (cuz I been sick for nearly a month and a half, cold), I also have been taking iron and b-12 cuz I had gastric bypass a few years back and I get anemic easily. My question is, do I lump these all together in the morning w/ my breakfast? Or take some in the morning and some at night? Anyone know if cramming them in all at once would reduce the absorbtion, or if it matters at all.


  • nancyhorta
    nancyhorta Posts: 8 Member
    Yes... you really need to do some research and look up on the Web how to take these viatmins.... Some with food, some before or after food, some at night, and some with fat (like Vitamin D) I don't want to give you any wrong info, but I can guarentee you that for best absorption, and to be sure there aren't any reactions, look everything up as to which vitamin to take when and with what.... I can assure you it will benefit you the most if you do that!!!!
  • smarshall88
    I agree with the previous poster. I actually administer most of these meds for people at work. The Calcium +D is usually given at breakfast. I know that you shouldnt take Calcium with Iron. Deffinitly look it up!
  • Artistmom
    I feel your pain when it comes to vitamins. I used to mix and match all kinds; the problem is that I really didn't know what I was doing - was I getting enough of each vitamin? Was I missing out on something? Listen, I don't like promoting this on our myfitnesspal website, but I found a nutritional supplement that is incredible - I had actual health results! More energy, better sleep; my chronic constipation went away, some aches and pains have been greatly reduced, go figure. If you would like to know more about something that is98% absorbed into you body, write me back and maybe we can talk on the phone. Good luck!:smile:
  • Gargwin82
    Gargwin82 Posts: 152 Member
    I'm not sure where you're located but here in Alberta we have a Health Link number. It's available 24hrs a day and you can speak with a registered nurse who will help set up a schedule for taking vitamins ect. OR speak with your pharmacist, they should know as well.
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    I can tell you the few things I do know. You should not take calcium with iron because calcium prevents the absorption of iron. However, I believe that Vitamin C with Iron is good because I think it helps the body absorb it.
  • journeytoahealthy51
    From a medical point of view, extra vitamins in the forms of supplements are usually not necessary, and your body does not need 200-1000% of the daily recommended intake. A good multivitamin and a healthy diet should be more than enough, and you aren't taking a dozen pills:)
  • rock810
    rock810 Posts: 17
    I personally take a Men's One A Day multi-vitamin. They are great and make me feel good due to all the B-Vitamins I am getting in the morning.
  • rawdefault
    omigod. that is an awful lot of vitamins. do you really need all those? you're much better off trying to get the necessary vitamins from your food.
    two suggestions:
    - drink a green smoothie every day
    - read this:
    it's a post i wrote on my blog about the best way to get vitamins. it's not very long, but a little too long for a forum post :)
    anyway, the link is there if you're interested :)
    good luck with everything!