New Year - New Me!

Hi everyone,

I have had the 'my fitness pal' app on my iphone for the last 5 months and never got the motivation to start it up until i saw some photos on facebook of me at my 39th birthday party. Crikey! I knew I was overweight but had been in a dream thinking it hadn't got too out of hand.

The photos have been playing on my mind ever since, and for various reasons, an operation on my back being the main one, I haven't been in a position to do anything about it till now. No more excuses - my goal is to loose 20kg and to get me going I am joining the gym tomorrow and a healthy eating plan started today. My current lifestyle includes absolutely NO excercise so that deffinately has to change.

I have been on so many different diets over the years - Low carb / juice only / shakes / weightwatchers etc... and I understand what I should and shouldn't eat, so I'm going to take the good bits from each of these programmes and fit them into my life. If I have time I'll spend it cooking healthy meals, and if not, use the juicer for convenience. If on the road, I'll have the odd shake or too and if in a rush, use the readymeal option. Whatere plan I use, it has to fit in with me and not the other way round - this time, my diet is going to know whos boss.

It's been great to read all your stories, and I hope we can share our successes very soon.

Rachel - 81.5kg


  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    That's how I feel, that I know what needs to be done, what foods to eat and whatnot, I just have to stick to it and make it a lifestyle. I've been on here for a week, and already love this website, it's definitely gotten me to drink the water that I need to drink on a daily basis. Good luck! :)
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    thats what i did. i noticed pics of me and lived in a fantasy world that mine wasnt out of hand either, but this site is awesome. if you need a friend go ahead and add me. good luck to you
  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    Welcome to MFP. It's a great place to be. I joined on 7/4/2010 and have lost 61 pounds so far. I love this site and I know you will too. Feel free to add me as a friend, we can help motivate each other. Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • DebbieLowe
    Hi, today is my first day here, and probably the first day of my new life. I lived something similar, I knew I was overweight, I've always been, and the only thing I did was complaint about it. Now it's time to change it and to resolve the problem, not to hide it.
    I hope you achieve all your goals, and if you need any motivation just ask and you will have it.

    Greets from Spain!