Looking for early morning workout support group!

Hey all!
Anyone else interested in being part of an early morning workout support group? I find that if I don't go before my husband leaves for work, then it's nearly impossible to go at all! Plus, I feel like a SUPERstar when I come home from a workout and no one else is even up yet. Go me! Anyone else in? I'm on PST time zone and my goal is to get my buns up and out by 5:15 am (the earlier th better) and get back b4 the kids and hubby wake up. Anyone interested??

Have an awesome day!
Bratty Lori


  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    I am with you. I am running three days a week at 7am CST so that will be 5am PST. So, every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, we will be up and at it together.

    Good Luck!!!

  • Gemstone3237
    Gemstone3237 Posts: 12 Member
    Yes! I love to workout in the mornings. I get up at 5am Monday throu Friday. I like to do it before my kids wake up. Its takes the pressure off me to "fit it in" and it keeps me motivated because I have my time before everyone gets up. I watch something I recorded on my DVR for me and I get my sweat on. :) Oh yea and when I am done I feel GREAT!
  • elina_t
    elina_t Posts: 11
    I'm up for it! I wake up at 6:00 every morning, while the rest of my family gets up no earlier than 7:00. I get in my workout then, and I always feel weird when I can't exercise. It's become such an integral part of my morning routine that I don't know how I would wake up without exercise.