Beginning a new me

Today is the start of the new me. Went and joined the Y today and did 20 min on a bike and an hour class called Body Pump. After wards I felt like death but it was a good feeling. I am also counting my calories. I am wanting to lose 25 lbs. I am also excited to hear other peoples stories. It is so motivating.


  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    Hi! Welcome, I just joined today too, we have pretty similar goals!! Good luck :) I start my classes at the Rec tomorrow, very excited.
  • AshleyB1183
    thanks and good luck to you as well. What kind of classes are you gonna be taking?
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    I am taking a "butts & guts" (ha, nice name huh?) 2 days a week a step & sculpt 1 day , then Zumba 1 day a week :)
  • AshleyB1183
    haha yeah very nice name. I am going to be taking some very similar classes. Have you ever taken zumba? My first class is this Thursday. I am really excited about it.