Try stretching as a way to ease into phsical activity!!!

Colleen1980 Posts: 148 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey Guys,
I have been overweight almost all my life. I'm 5' 6.5" and currently 227 pounds. The smallest I've ever been is 150 (for about 6 glorious months, following an illness and surgery) and the largest was 2.5 years ago, post-baby at 252.

My husband is on board with me this time and we are going to do it!

I wanted to share an idea with all of you who have started getting healthy and are a bit put off at the idea of exercising. There have been times in my life when I could run a 5k, so I'm not scared of exercise, but I know firsthand that when you have a LOT of weight to lose, sometimes if you take on too much at once you can overwhelm yourself. If you need to concentrate on your calories and are looking for an easy transition into exercise, TRY STRETCHING!

Let me tell you how amazing this has been for me. I've stretched every day for about a week and a half. It takes 15 minutes, and if I don't have time while my VERY active toddler is up, it's something I can easily do quietly in the morning or before bed when he's asleep. This is my new favorite 15 minutes of the day. I feel better in every way. I didn't realize that I was not taking any time during the day specifically for me. Not for baby, not for hubby, not for work, not for errands...not for anything but me. During this 15 minutes I can simply breathe deep, unwind from my day or prepare for it, and relax. I used to wake up every morning with sore joints and muscles and this is not happeneing anymore. I also feel much more cheerful and relaxed.

One of my favorite tips is while your'e stretching, take the time for 2 deep breaths in each pose. I was surprised that I had to force myself to stay still for 15-20 seconds, I'm so used to running around. As you breathe in, imagine pulling into yourself all the positive and happy energy around you. As you exhale, imagine letting go of anything bad/negative/stressful in your mind.

This DOES burn calories (no not a ton, but you gotta start somewhere!) and when you are ready for more vigorous work, you'll be ready!

Good luck friends. I hope this helps some of you as much as it's helped me!


  • Everyone should be stretching pre and post workout as well. I've already noticed the resolutions clubbers at my fitness center already dropping like flies because they don't know the importance of pre and post stretching. I wish them well on their goals but they need to see all of the gym rats that stretch and see how we are walking out normal instead of sore and in pain.
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