Every day I go way over on protein...

sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
I always end the day with lots of carbs and fat to spare, but I am always over in protein. I am not trying to do a low carb diet. Does anyone else go over in protein?


  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
    I go over on protein and fiber nearly every day. My doctor says that's great.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I owuldn't worry about the protein. I did a weightloss challenge in June and she stressed the importance of getting lots of protein!
  • thisis4me
    thisis4me Posts: 219 Member
    This has been my first week on this site and every day I have gone over my protein and also my fiber at times....I have been told it is all good:)
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    You can change your personal settings, if you want. I also, am more of a protein eater than cabs, so I bumped up my percentage of protein and it automatically bumps down your carbs. Go to ->GOALS->Change Goals-> then choose custom settings.
    Working MUCH better for me :smile:
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Thanks, guys. I feel better knowing that going over in protein is pretty common. Thanks.
  • miriamcpweg
    miriamcpweg Posts: 19 Member
    You should be having 30% protein 30% fat and 40% carbs. To be a bit off is okay, but people have a misunderstanding that fat is bad. It is not bad if you have the right kind. In fact we need fat and carbs as long as they are from a good sorce, olive oil, avocado, and whole grains. They are essential for our bodies.
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