Just lost

It's time that I did something about this....all this ugly flubber that hangs over my jeans and splits through my beautiful pea coat.....I have NO idea where to start. I don't even have a scale. I shouldn't feel this way....so tired all the time....depressed....I treat my boyfriend like crap because I'm not happy with myself. It has to stop. I'm 24 years old....I should be out dancing and laughing with my friends right? Instead I make stupid excuses to stay inside and hide. Hide away from myself and shame and the feeling like when I go out everyone stares at me because I'm the "fat" girl. I don't know how to cook healthy because I'm such an extremely picky eater....I don't know how to excersize...lift weights or how many reps to do.....I don't understand calorie counting and how to budget calories out through the day.....All I know is I'm ready to learn. I just need a little push....one in the right direction....where do I start?


  • escobar9300
    escobar9300 Posts: 15 Member
    Start it one step at a time! Do what works for you. This site makes it very easy. Just put in all of your information and be sure to be honest with the information you put in. Then you will get a calorie goal for the day, and any time you eat, do your very best to put in how many calories each item was, and log it on the web site, or the app (if you have it on your phone). Obviously some things aren't going to be exact, but just do your best to stay around that goal. Also, make a point to make simple and easy changes, start taking more vitamins (multi vitamins, fish oil pills, vitamin c, ect..), and drink TONS of water! I drink a full glass of water every two hours. Not to mention, you don't have to be a meat head to get some exercise either. If you don't have, or don't want to get a gym membership, then do something like walking around your block or apartment complex twice two or three times a week! It adds up! Rome wasn't built in a day, so it will be hard but you can do it if you stay dedicated! Just to give you an idea, Ive only been going at this for 15 days, and Ive lost just over 20 pounds, and thats doing it without starving myself or using risky fad diets. Just go at your own pace and make it yours! FAITH, FOCUS, FINISH!!
  • superjarrod1616
    superjarrod1616 Posts: 39 Member
    Start here. Just enter what you eat for 2 weeks and then make slight changes from there. Don't worry about exercise yet. If you really want to workout, then walk for20 min. Start small. You can do it.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    As for working out, just copy what someone else does! Watch what others (with muscles - or who are trim) are doing to work their guns or legs and mimic. :]
  • amysambora
    Sweetie you've made the first step already! I used to feel EXACTLY the same as you - I still do to a certain extent. All my friends gave up on me because I never went anywhere with them - I was too scared everyone would be looking at the 'fat girl'. I'm 26 now and desperately trying to get back some of the friends I lost - it's not easy and I wish I'd never cut myself off from everyone due to my insecurities. You CAN get past this.

    Just take it one day at a time. Start by logging everything you eat into your MFP diary and trying to stick to your daily calorie limit. Don't worry about exercising or what you're eating just yet - just log it all and start to learn about the food you're eating and how many calories you're consuming. Pretty soon you'll start to figure out smarter choices - for example, 25g of regular cheese has about 104 calories. 25g of low fat cottage cheese only has about 25 calories. Bit by bit you'll start picking things up and making healthy changes.

    Maybe after a few weeks you can start to exercise. Just get out the door and walk for as long as you can. Log it into MFP and see how many calories you've burned. Eventually you can build up your walks, maybe start jogging. If you're like me and hate the gym, you can buy a few workout DVDs and exercise at home. They're brilliant for guiding you through everything and showing you the right techniques.

    Most importantly, if you're ever unsure of anything, don't be afraid to ask questions! Everyone here at MFP will be more than happy to help you. I'm adding you as a friend, please feel free to message me at any time if you're struggling :)

    Good luck!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I am no expert when it comes to losing weight but since I've been on here, it's working for me and it can work for you :smile:

    I've come up with a few awesome recipes for chicken breast. If you would like to have them, please feel free to send me a message. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • michellerieger
    michellerieger Posts: 38 Member
    what motivated me was seeing my BMI ( body mass index). it's just your height and weight ratio. just google BMI calculator and you should get plenty of results. just enter your weight and height and it will tell you what your ideal weight should be for your age and height.

    I wouldn't get too obsessed over this part though. it just gives you an idea of where to start and helps you start setting goals. then you can move forward from there.

    do you have a rec center or a gym you can work out at?
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Sweetie you've made the first step already! I used to feel EXACTLY the same as you - I still do to a certain extent. All my friends gave up on me because I never went anywhere with them - I was too scared everyone would be looking at the 'fat girl'. I'm 26 now and desperately trying to get back some of the friends I lost - it's not easy and I wish I'd never cut myself off from everyone due to my insecurities. You CAN get past this.

    Just take it one day at a time. Start by logging everything you eat into your MFP diary and trying to stick to your daily calorie limit. Don't worry about exercising or what you're eating just yet - just log it all and start to learn about the food you're eating and how many calories you're consuming. Pretty soon you'll start to figure out smarter choices - for example, 25g of regular cheese has about 104 calories. 25g of low fat cottage cheese only has about 25 calories. Bit by bit you'll start picking things up and making healthy changes.

    Maybe after a few weeks you can start to exercise. Just get out the door and walk for as long as you can. Log it into MFP and see how many calories you've burned. Eventually you can build up your walks, maybe start jogging. If you're like me and hate the gym, you can buy a few workout DVDs and exercise at home. They're brilliant for guiding you through everything and showing you the right techniques.

    Most importantly, if you're ever unsure of anything, don't be afraid to ask questions! Everyone here at MFP will be more than happy to help you. I'm adding you as a friend, please feel free to message me at any time if you're struggling :)

    Good luck!
  • angelsandwolves09
    angelsandwolves09 Posts: 264 Member
    Start it one step at a time! Do what works for you. This site makes it very easy. Just put in all of your information and be sure to be honest with the information you put in. Then you will get a calorie goal for the day, and any time you eat, do your very best to put in how many calories each item was, and log it on the web site, or the app (if you have it on your phone). Obviously some things aren't going to be exact, but just do your best to stay around that goal. Also, make a point to make simple and easy changes, start taking more vitamins (multi vitamins, fish oil pills, vitamin c, ect..), and drink TONS of water! I drink a full glass of water every two hours. Not to mention, you don't have to be a meat head to get some exercise either. If you don't have, or don't want to get a gym membership, then do something like walking around your block or apartment complex twice two or three times a week! It adds up! Rome wasn't built in a day, so it will be hard but you can do it if you stay dedicated! Just to give you an idea, Ive only been going at this for 15 days, and Ive lost just over 20 pounds, and thats doing it without starving myself or using risky fad diets. Just go at your own pace and make it yours! FAITH, FOCUS, FINISH!!

    I totally agree with this!! I have only been on this site for like 6 days!! Started watching how much I eat and doing some walking 2 1/2 weeks ago and have already lost a total of 18 lbs!!! Every person is different, as is their bodies. But the important thing starting out is to remember to try to log your stuff in every meal! That has been the hardest part for me, but everyone here is so nice and supportive!! I started out doing simple walking....walked around my apartment a few times(it's small...lol) Then I found Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and started doing it as well! Weight loss doesn't have to be rapid. It needs to be done at a healthy rate for your body. And just so you know, I have the same problem with my friends. I have always been the "fat" one and was embarrassed to go clubs or out places with them; I felt like they were getting all the "good" attention and everyone was just staring at me because of how fat I was. Occasionally I still feel that way....But I am trying to work through that! I have found that working out(even the slightest bit) always makes me feel better about myself. And to see the scales go down is a wonderful feeling! I am sending you a friend request, please feel free to message me anytime. I'm not an expert on anything, but I will help you/talk to you/let ya vent the best I can!! and WELCOME!! lol This site is amazing!