Any other ladies trying to hit the 120s in the next 5 months



  • mist26
    mist26 Posts: 5 Member
    I love this site - great to find so many people in the same boat in 5 min! :) I was REALLY good about my diet this week, and exercised 6 days with circuit training. Running usually changes my body the fastest, but I have a lot of back pain and its been aggravating it, so using different means for now:(

    In general I eat clean, and have cut out processed foods, sugar, bread (I have no will power against it!) and am restricting alcohol. I think a glass of wine here and there is fine, but it usually leads to another glass of wine then 2nds of dinner or dessert for me! Just the first step in falling off the wagon, so I'm avoiding it.

    While extreme, I figure if I can't get in"kick butt" shape and my tiny figure back for my wedding, when will I? That's why I'm going all out and want to get in the best shape of my life!!! Let's do it together.

    If running is hurting your back, try swimming. It's much easier on joints, not as jarring on your back as running and has the added benefit of being a total body workout. Good Luck!
  • onetxjewel
    onetxjewel Posts: 39 Member
    I'm with you all! I'm about 145 and i'd like to even be at 129 by May 1st. My wedding isn't until July but I want to be in a good spot for my bridals which will be mid may. It's so frustrating because it's like "what route do I take?" mom does south beach whenever she's really wanting to push herself, but I have hard time depriving myself of food groups. :/
  • angela0831
    angela0831 Posts: 26 Member
    On the same boat here! Im 139 and would like to be anywhere in the 120s by the first week of June. Any suggestions on diet plans? For my workout plan im planning to start Insanity today. Really motivated to do this!
  • 127 is my goal! i currently weight about 144 and I'm 5ft 10.
    I'm hoping to reach my goal weight by June but it's been REALLY difficult so far. I've been dieting for about 3 weeks but I've only lost about one pound :mad:
    It seems like I eat really well and exercise and I'll lose about a pound but then once I indulge even a little on a small piece of chocolate one night it will completely screw everything up! Is my metabolism really that low!?
    Any advice for me? Because I have been trying everything but I am stuck at my current weight! help!!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Right there with you! 120 would be my three month goal! About 15 pound to get there. Right in time for bathing suit weather! Let do it!

    So you are 135 and someone called you fat yesterday? Sorry to re-hash your sad post but I didn't see any heavy pics in your profile so I wasn't sure in what context that insult was said whether your photos were old skinny ones or whether “fat” was just a mis-used word that people with low-self esteem use nonchalantly.

    Ps: That guy is obviously an a** hole and if it was your bf you were talking to at the time when the guy yelled in, re-evaluate his merits if he hangs out with people like that.

    You can do it!

    Ps: 129 by 29 is my goal for this thread. That’s a 19.3 BMI and like 10 lbs to loose. I’ve seen it but its hard at my height 5’8 ½. 135 is a-ok with me but then I can't be in this group, sad :(
  • i am 148 and would love to be 125. I'm 5'8 and have started a half marathon training program. I was thinking about dropping all carbs for a couple of weeks to jump start my weight loss. Does anyone have any pointers for me. I would love to be in the 130's by feb.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    127 is my goal! i currently weight about 144 and I'm 5ft 10.
    I'm hoping to reach my goal weight by June but it's been REALLY difficult so far. I've been dieting for about 3 weeks but I've only lost about one pound :mad:
    It seems like I eat really well and exercise and I'll lose about a pound but then once I indulge even a little on a small piece of chocolate one night it will completely screw everything up! Is my metabolism really that low!?
    Any advice for me? Because I have been trying everything but I am stuck at my current weight! help!!

    127 is a BMI of 18.2 underweight and unhealthy. 144 is 20.7 healthy on the low-end like myself (138, 5'8 1/2). Re-evaluate your goals to build more muscle tone and definition b/c if you get to you 127 (my goal is get back to 129 which is BMI 19.3 also a little too ambitious) you'll really have to give up food and that over a prolonged period of time will result in starvation mode.

    Measurements are the most important not the scale, re-focus on that goal.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    i am 148 and would love to be 125. I'm 5'8 and have started a half marathon training program. I was thinking about dropping all carbs for a couple of weeks to jump start my weight loss. Does anyone have any pointers for me. I would love to be in the 130's by feb.

    I wouldn't recommend dropping carbs completely especially if you are in a running program but ensure you are only eating wholegrain bread and cereals and try eating the larger bulk of them earlier in the day rather than a pasta dinner for example which will give you energy better utilized and burned off during the day rather than just sitting in your system and making you feel heavier than you are in the evening.

    I cut my carbs down to 45% and it’s been very manageable and enjoyable (I'm not deprived).
  • trendely87
    trendely87 Posts: 29 Member
    i definitly want in. Right now I am 136 I was 133 before christmas but the holidays were not kind. Over the last two years i have lost 50 pounds. I want to get down to 120 or 118 by summer for my birthday and my vacation. I am 5'3 and i have started back up on my diet and my exercise. I am very motivated and hopefull won't fall off the wagon again. I have no will power against sweets and bread.
  • snain
    snain Posts: 21 Member
    I am 142 and I want to lose 22lb by end of May; want to look skinny for my Europe vacations.
  • snain
    snain Posts: 21 Member
    I am in the same boat too. I'm curious to know how tall every one is.

    I am 5ft even. Current weight 130. Starting weight 143, and goal weight 120.

    That would put me at a healthy BMI, but I wouldn't be "Thin" which is what I want. I am short and curvy so I think getting below 120 wouldn't look right... we'll see when I get there I guess.

    I am 5ft too and at 142. I want to lose 22 before June. How much time it took you to lose 13pounds.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    120 by June 22nd is my ULTIMATE goal! At 5'5", that's a nice round, 20 BMI (which I'm not a huge believer in, but sounds like a good number!). That's 30lbs in just over 5 1/2 months, so around 5.25 lbs a month (less than 2lbs a week), which should be good. If I only make it to 125 or so, I won't be too upset! : )

    I'd love to get friend requests from anyone looking for another weight loss friend!
  • herky
    herky Posts: 68 Member
    I'm at 147 and hoping to hit the 120s by the end of May, just in time for summer!
  • amylrach
    amylrach Posts: 30 Member
    I am 5'4 and currentley weight 132. My goal is to weight 125 by March. I am starting to track my meals better and I am continuing my excercise routine. I take Jazzercise at least three times a week. I am going to try to bump it up to 4-5 times a week to burn more calories. Let's keep each other motivated!!!!
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    I'm having a hard time loosing too :( Reached my pre-pregnancy goal of 135 but somehow gained 4lbs and cants loose it!! My ultimate goal is 125lbs.
  • dlj1970
    dlj1970 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm 5'4" (if i stand up really straight!), and I weigh 138 now. Want to get down to 125-120. How do I figure out what my "ideal" BMI would be?
  • thanks! excellent idea!
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    i'm 5'3 & have dropped 12 pounds in 3 months (9 of which since christmas) :o) just by increasing my water & fiber & staying around 1200 cals a day. i've started exercising 2-3x a week doing wii zumba & it's been working great. hopefully i don't plateu anytime soon. i'm aiming to be 120 by valentines day, that gives me just over 2 weeks to drop 8 pounds. idk if it's doable by just being healthier, but i'm trying :o)
  • I'm 5'5 and 132. I bulk up pretty quickly and I load on the protein, so I don't think it would be plausible for me to be 120.. I would have no muscle weight at all... I would be skin and bones! No thank you!
  • Christie81
    Christie81 Posts: 88 Member
    Right now I'm 131.8 lbs and would love to be 115-120 lbs within a few months. I'm 5'3 so I think that would be a good weight for me. Good luck with your goals :)
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