New to myfitnesspal

I am new to this site and would love to cheer on some new friends and vice versa. After entering my food intake for the day, I just know this will be the tool that keeps me on track.


  • PrincessNazareth
    PrincessNazareth Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome! It's a wonderful tool! Keeps you on track and the moral support is phenomenal!
    Glad to have you on board.
  • hiltonh
    hiltonh Posts: 5 Member
    Congrats on taking the first step and getting started!! I look forward to seeing your progress!! Friend request me!
  • seachelle
    seachelle Posts: 69 Member
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    I am new to this site and would love to cheer on some new friends and vice versa. After entering my food intake for the day, I just know this will be the tool that keeps me on track.

    Hi and welcome! You might like to join the starting January 2011 thread, there's lots of us there who have started this month and you're very welcome to join in :smile:

    Starting January 2011 Thread

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

  • giggles05
    Hi, I'm a newbie, would love to get new friends on here and all rack together so in the summer we are all skinny minnies, please add me as a friend

  • kiwichick_11
    Hi everyone, another newbie here too! How is everyone? Yay to us for taking this step.
  • slwood2
    hi I am Lisa new to the site it is my first week.I have loss a 90 lbs. in the last year but have out 7 back on.Do not want to gain back the rest.i like the menu it keeps me on track this way. I never did a menu the whole time I lost my weight at TOPS but I think now I really need to watch you can see how much you really eat. I amtrying to lose 10 pounds to make me why under my goal weight.Good luck everyone
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    Hey, it's my bestest buddy! So glad you made it over here :flowerforyou:

    Now maybe we can stay on track a little better over the weekends :drinker:
  • boymomthree
    boymomthree Posts: 28 Member
    Hi workout buddy and just all around bff! I am thinking I will be glad in the long run too. Glad that you are glad I made it. ;p :flowerforyou:

    The food diary alone just may be the trick but the wonderful people, support, encouragement and info are great! :drinker:

    See you at the gym later. :love: