Newbie here!

jenblwr Posts: 53
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone..I joined at the beginning of the month :smile:

I'm a 36 year old mum of 3, I work part time..and until about 3 years ago I was a "skinny minnie"! Then I guess age caught up with me, and I started putting on weight - having to watch what I eat is a totally new thing for me...but I'm starting to get to grips with it.

This will sound silly, but I think my biggest issue now is that I don't eat enough! My fiance says my body must be in starvation mode...I started keeping track of what I eat...and unless I really force myself to eat, I struggle to eat more than about 1000 calories a day (which apparently isn't enough) - so I've joined here, hoping to use the food diary to keep track of what I'm eating. Over the past couple of weeks I've managed to hit my "target calories" of 1200 most I guess it must be helping!

Anyway...I'll stop waffling now - looking forward to getting to know everyone!


  • GayleyB12
    GayleyB12 Posts: 8 Member

    You've lost 5lbs already. You're off the starting blocks.

    I'm averaging about 1300 cals a day which is below my allowance so that's ok, but I still find it a bit tricky sometimes.
    I think I'm getting used to it, but I have found myself over thinking it - Time will tell.

    Anyhow, keep going. You're doing ok:happy:
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    Hello and Welcome Aboard!

    I too struggle to meet the 1200cal target which is so weird for me who seriously used to eat food for 2 people. You do have to try to eat the 1200 because your body needs it particularly if youre running after young kids. What I find helpful on busy days is Ill organise all the food I have to eat in that day. It helps me see what is needed and I dont panic thinking that Im overeating.
  • jenblwr
    jenblwr Posts: 53
    Hi guys

    Thanks for the encouragement! I do try and "map out" what I'm going to eat for the biggest problem at the moment is fitting eating around my work shifts. That sounds silly I know..but I work 4 hour shifts (so I don't get a break)...and they generally start at a time when it's too early to eat lunch before I by the time I finish, it's time for dinner, and I'm starving! LOL! I think also, it's a bit to do with laziness - not sure that's the right word - but unless I'm also doing food for the kids or my fiance...I find I struggle to find the gumption to get up and do it!
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