SBF2: Reboot boogaloo...1/10

yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Brrr - very cold week for us coming up.

I got a little reprieve from normal duties this week, so I will focus on getting my paper done. I plan on having a write up of the two videos as well.
I'm almost back to normal, but I'm still coughing and congested. I hope to be 100% soon.

Today: yoga and walk.

Normal, boogaloo!


  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Glad you're feeling better. Enjoy your yoga :)
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Glad you are doing better today Mary. I hope your cough goes away with the cold.

    I am sick to my tummy this morning and last night. We had a meeting after church yesterday and they served pizza. It was really good, but then we went to have frozen custard later in the afternoon. Too much dairy I think and my stomach is letting me know about it. I don't know if I will ever learn never to have pizza and ice cream (period), especially not in one day. :sick: I ate some breakfast anyway and it seemed to help a tiny bit. I am horribly nauseous. I have a feeling I'm not going to be moving around too much today. I'm not absolutely sure it's from dairy. I may have gotten some kind of "poisoning" or bad milk/egg thing from the custard.
    Alex's tumbling classes start today but I'm not going to make it out. He can make up for it later in the week. I will try to do some school and reading books with him and maybe another sitting down/not moving much project. If I feel better this afternoon I will get on the treadmill. It's one of those days that I wish I had some soup.
    Oh we did get another light dusting of snow over night but it's only on the roofs and cars. Oh well. Snow two years in a row is pretty cool.

    Feeling queasy boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy New Week, pebbs...

    Just got back from dance class. I'm in a lot of pain, and that's all I have to say about that. Still waiting for dr. recs from a friend, still frustrated. But, I keep moving.

    Goals for the week:
    Dance M, W, R and Sun (already done today)
    Yoga: Tues (Mary, I would LOVE a sun salutation prescription. I just have to be careful of my neck. Everything else works:wink: ) also, do you ave any idea what would a good starting number would be for me? I can complete what my teacher calls an "intermediate" class (I know there's a big difference as beginner/intermediate, etc is all subjective)
    Fri: time with my trainer, hopefully.
    Sat. gym for either arc or spin bike (or both depending on energy levels) for endurance, not speed.

    That's more than enough. Also, two hours of some sort of academic work every day except Saturday. Crunch time on a lot of deadlines.

    Since I think confession is good for the soul, I ate a cupcake yesterday. It was a good cupcake, and I enjoyed it in the moment. Now I'm back to no sugar, wheat or alcohol. I'm up to 12 days with no alcohol, so I feel pretty good about that one. I have had one serving of refined sugar and two of wheat. That feels pretty victorious, actually.

    Victorious, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hey, everybody. I just did a couple of "personal trainer" workouts on my Kinect game, and realize just how out of shape I've become! Yikes.

    It's been an up and down week. On the up side, I have been making a lot of progress in non-distracted eating - breakfast and lunch has been a success every day, and dinner I missed twice due to my husband kindly bringing me food (unfortunately, while I was on the couch). On the down side, my ankle has been bothering me more (two acupuncture treatments so far haven't had any effect), and it's been an emotionally trying week. One of my good friends from my old job just announced his resignation, and while I'm really happy that he has a hopefully much more awesome job to go to, I have found myself essentially having flashbacks to the stress and heartache of my decision to leave. I actually had a little breakdown and had to really figure out what the heck was going on with me to cause it. Basically, I think it's post-traumatic stress. Part of me still feels "responsible" for making things worse there by leaving, I feel like I should have been stronger, and now that another good person is out I feel even worse for the few that are left. I'm weird, but there you go. :ohwell: On the positive side, though, I didn't overeat that day. Even slightly more mindful eating seems to have had a real effect on my appetite. I think I was hungry before because I simply hadn't noticed that I ate!

    Moving on, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    :yawn: Tuesday. So, I'm up too early.

    Today is: teaching, an appointment at the mall, home to rest and possible yoga. I may just rest today (even though I am eager to try the yoga prescription, Mary.) I had the most brutal pt session (maybe ever) yesterday, but it does seem to help. Did you know that if your muscles are tight long enough they start to adhere to each other? Did you know that a guy can stick his fingers up your armpit to separate them and it hurts enough that you see visions of paradise and feel like you're going to vomit? True story. It does hurt a lot less so far today. Progress!

    Sorry for the ankle/emotional stuff, cp...I share your "it's my responsibility to fix the world!" thoughts. All I can tell you is that it's not. (but since I relate I know that it's hard to believe this...I still want to fix everything...and so much is broken.) Feeling better today, MM? and Mary, I'll ask you the infuriating question grad students ask each other "how's the writing going?":wink:

    visions of paradise, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, that sound really painful to have done but no pain no gain? Hope you don't get sore as the day progresses.

    CP, so sorry that your ankle still hurts. :frown: And about your old work situation. I can understand your feelings about it, but V's right. You can't fix everything and you have to let it go. :flowerforyou:

    Mary, are you still getting better?

    Well, I'm still sick. I can tell I am a little better because I'm hungry. I'm kind of scared to eat though. I haven't been vomiting, thank God (I hate it so I will avoid it at all costs, even if I know it will make me feel better.), but my lower system is not happy at all. I am going to brave the 30* outside and take Alex to horse therapy and then just come home. I hope my tummy can hold out that long. If all continues to go well I may try to walk slowly this afternoon on the treadmill. Other than that, wash sheets, do dishes and start a grocery list. Watch BL tonight.
    :sick: Booglaoo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Hope you feel better, MM :flowerforyou:
    Are you working less at your new job, CP?

    Writing? I'm supposed to write something? Actually, I started working on the chair stuff last night. I strapped myself into a chair to see how it would go. I would like to practice on someone that's injured and old though.

    I got an email from the boss saying that they have a member that would like private yoga lessons (from anyone). I thought maybe I should have my certification first. Thoughts?

    Today - walk this morning and who knows this afternoon. Maybe yoga class? I'm still coughing, which makes me feel all restrained in savasana. My sense of smell is getting better though. I have a very good sense of smell, which isn't always a good thing.

    Smelling, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Mary, I would say since you're in the process of getting certified it would be fine to accept a private.

    I would definitely share your status as far as certification goes, and then let the client make a decision. You could tell them something like "I've been teaching for X amount of years, and I'm in the process of getting my cert". I might offer a freebie first session or something, so that they could decide if they like you or not (I always give the first voice lesson for free when I teach...and then we both the student and I have the option to say "thanks, but no thanks" at the end.) HTH

    Body update: much looser today, but do feel a bit beat up. Thanking my lucky stars that mild muscle relaxants are legal otc. I got a good commuter-walk in, and managed one series of 10 sun salutations the shoulder started to act up from chaturanga, so that's all for today. Strangely, the most painful thing is sitting on crowded public transit (imagine sitting in an airplane seat with no armrests).
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary, I was thinking along the same lines as V. Just let the client know where you are at in the process and how long you have been doing it. A freebie first lesson is a good idea.

    Still no exercise. I bought some chicken soup at the health food store and there was something in it that I did not care for so I didn't finish it. Since eating it I have a sore throat, much like the way a cold feels. :grumble: I just hope I'm not trying to get a cold on top of this stomach stuff AND lady time whenever that decides to show up. I'm less nauseated today but I still can't keep food in my body. I would have to say this is not lactose intolerance. It's food poisoning or a bug. Am I complaining? I really don't mean to.
    I'm going to try to make some homemade soup and see how that turns out. And I will drink some hot tea. It only got up to 32 today and it was 22 when Alex was riding so it's been a bit chilly. Warm food will be good.

    Ready to myself again.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs...

    Right now I'm debating between the attraction of probably being the only person in my dance class or staying out of the snow (for a few hours, anyway) and working out at home. (I got new workout DVDs in the mail yesterday) Not sure which will win out...I have 15 more minutes to decide.

    Other than that, it's two appointments, some research and writing/re-writing (finally got feedback on my draft and it needs more "theory" UgH> theOry(cat just laid down on my keyboard). Then home for dinner and rest.

    More than enough, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, I vote stay home. But I'm a homebody, so that's easy for me.
    Mary, feeling better today?
    Where'd everybody else go?
    WL, I see you stayed under your calorie goal yesterday...awesome!

    Well, I give up. I can't figure my body out, so I quit. Yeah, right. I have been sick since Thanksgiving weekend. That's going on 7 weeks. I don't understand it. I take vitamins, I use antibacterial stuff, I wash my hands a lot, I usually eat fairly well, I hardly go places (maybe 3-4 places a week). Steve doesn't do any of that stuff and he rarely gets sick! I don't get it! Hello body! What's wrong with you? So I don't know what I'm sick with now. It's in my head (and still getting over stomach stuff but doing better). Suggestions anyone?
    Goals for the day: try to take Alex to tumbling class, but I may do this tomorrow. Walk on the treadmill, even if it's 2.0mph, just something to get moving again. A nap may win though. School and clean up the house since I trashed it yesterday. :tongue:
    By the way, we have decided Alex is no longer on the Autistic spectrum! We talked to his OT about it because we have felt that he isn't anymore, and she said she didn't think he was either. She did say he does have some sensory issues, but he would not fall on the Autism spectrum. She said he may always be just a little odd or different but some kids are just like that. He's super smart (and I'm not just saying that) and brainy kids/people are often different. So I am removing the Autism label. :bigsmile: God is good!

    Silver lining boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Take out the chaturanga's V. If your shoulder hurts in chaturanga, there's probably an alignment problem (or flexibility or strength, but whatever the reason, they need to go)

    I don't know what's going on MM, but having had this cough since September makes me feel like smoker again. Maybe there's something in the air in Texas?

    I only got at 20 minute walk in yesterday - not because I was feeling off (I wasn't), but because I was goofing off. I have double yoga today and I'll add a walk in as a homework break. Got two new videos from Netflix, so there's my inspiration.

    My regular yoga teacher created a career path for me the other day, odd, since I never thought of having one - she's a professor at the University, so I guess she can't help it. But I think I would like to work mostly with the elderly, but I really feel like I'm lacking knowledge of this. There are very few teacher training classes for chair yoga (like 1 in Florida and one somewhere else).

    Netflix, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Oh Mary, your cough has to go away! I know that must be miserable. Maybe it is something in the air. I am realizing as the day wears on that I am having sinus trouble again. I just hope it doesn't turn into another infection. Must be cedar pollen or something.

    V, that was a great blog post! I can relate to the parent that gave her kids adult portions and got mad when they didn't eat it all. My dad did that. I don't mean to blame my dad for my current weight issues (whether physical or mental/emotional), but he did do that and I can tell it still effects me to this day.

    Even though I feel like poo I got on the treadmill. I walked slow for 40 minutes while reading a book. :laugh: I am trying to get about three books read right now, so I figured that was as good a time as any. I felt better while walking but now my nose is stopped up again. It felt good to just do something. Also lady time came. Nice.

    What do you ladies eat for snacks? I have heard almonds are good snacks but I got burned out on them a few months ago when that's all I ate. I would like to try reducing my processed food intake but I don't know what to eat. I am a picky eater so that doesn't help. Thanks.
    Moving again boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm sorry you two Texans are having sinus trouble. I hope you both get answers/relief soon.

    Here are some of my favorite snacks, MM...I can't remember, but I think you have problems with dairy, right? Anyways, there are some with dairy and some without

    A sliced apple with either almond or peanut butter (my current favorite is hazelnut butter).

    an ounce of almonds, pecans or walnuts with an ounce of dates or dried apricots.

    greek yogurt with some "all fruit" jam or fresh berries (frozen berries work, too)

    sliced cucumber and baby carrots with hummus

    baked corn chips with salsa

    cottage cheese with a teaspoon of jarred pesto stirred into it with celery sticks

    I also make "zero point" weight watchers soup (I can give you the recipe if you like, or a link to it) and then I'll have a cup of that for a snack.

    an almond or coconut flour muffin (Elana's Pantry for recipes for these)

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    UH-oh...talking to myself.:laugh:

    Today is another busy day. I hate to say it out loud lest I jinx it, but I'm feeling better today. Had acupuncture yesterday, then came home pretty tender. I found one lonely little tylenol with codeine in my medicine cabinet and took it. Went to bed, and feel better this morning. So, the goal is to stay loose today. Today's workout is walking and a new DVD (ballet conditioning...eep. I'll see how the neck feels during it. My goal is to not to do anything that irritates it, so there may be some modifying.) I also have to drop off some drafts to an advisor, and get an ultrasound on my neck (during my normal Zumba class time...pout, pout). Then, come home and research. I also have to shop around for a "citation manager", as I'm finally graduating from hand-written index cards to manage all of my sources. Isn't it still 1989?

    Hopeful that the upswing is beginning, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:

    p.s. new (popular) blog post, boogaloo. I'm probably preaching to the choir with you guys, but I think it's a good one.:wink:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, glad you are feeling better today. Pass it on down here. :wink:

    I had flu-like symptoms last night with a fever and body aches. I pray it's not the flu. I don't want Steve and Alex to get it. It feels like the same thing I had over Thanksgiving, and that was supposedly a sinus infection. I have never had a sinus infection with aches and fever like that. I just want to be better. Can I cry about it? I know it won't help me feel better but I really just want to cry. :sad:

    I also found rat terds in the upstairs bathroom and possibly down stairs. I feel like I am just going in circles.

    Goal today: if I can make it, a trip to the store for weekly shopping and laundry and probably some cooking. I really just want to be waited on and watch movies all day with Alex.

    Alex is so cute. He just came downstairs with his doctor kit. I guess he's going to check me out. :smooched: Love this kid. He is my sunshine on a cloudy, dreary day.

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I slept a bit late.
    Hope y'all feel better.

    My teacher is going to India again in July, and she handed me the dates yesterday. I'll be busy with up to 7 classes a week. I made some progress on my paper (finally). I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to drive to my parent's house to grab the wheelchair so I can get pictures started this weekend. It probably is, but that heavy wheelchair is in the attic - humph - I should get someone to go with me (they live 25 miles north of me, which is really nothing here in Texas, but I think about it being almost a marathon length - then I think runners are crazy - actually, I usually think runners are crazy. They are always the last to go inside - whether the weather is 105 or 25, they are out running my neighborhood).

    Today - walk and homework. A little yoga practice will sneak in there too. I got a yoga mat with a lifetime warranty. It's usually a favorite mat with yogis, but, oh my, is it heavy (maybe 4x the weight of a regular mat). It may be the "home" mat.

    Crazy runners, boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    My idea for a cooking class that I sent to Whole Foods - is full again! This is the third time they've offered "mushroom lovers", and it's been sold out every time :grumble:

    It's workshop weekend - so lots o' yoga this weekend. I made some decent progress on the paper yesterday. Will work more today. Teaching this morning and yoga class tonight, maybe a little walk, who knows.

    You know the Michael Pollan rule about eating only desserts that you made? I figured I'm pretty good at make instant desserts - yesterday for my afternoon snack: melted homemade fudge over a pear and banana, topped with whipped cream. Dang, it was good too. Took about 5 minutes to make.

    I also figured that if I lost 10 lbs, I could do my goal pose (since it requires lifting the lower half of your body with your abs, I would have to lose it from the waist down. So I could either train my abs to lose weight. hmmm

    Yes, losing weight and easy desserts in the same post.

    Homemade, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Started the DVD workout...and "ballet conditioning" includes holding your arms up the whole time, so I turned it off. My acupuncturist suggested I take a few hardcore rest days (I love that even my rest has to be "hardcore!" I may have some issues) So, yesterday was just walking, and today is super rest and tomorrow is super rest. I'm back to the PT today, and in for a massage (I'm asking for the non-torture level special). I'll start working out again Sunday with Zumba class. A friend of mine literally took me to her doctor's office to beg them to take me as a new patient yesterday, so fingers crossed. Everyone I talk to who says "I love my doctor!"...I call and the practice is closed to new patients. Doctor shortage. Ugh.

    So, visions of paradise session with PT, (I do feel in general a lot less stuck today...maybe the upswing is real) and then rest. I discovered I can watch netflix streaming on my laptop with my noise cancelling headphones (my husband is working to deadline on a noisy project...almost finished) so I'm just going to chill out with that.

    That was a lot of update for no workout.:laugh:

    I'm a big fan of the healing powers of crying, MM...I say do it!
    Hey, where's everybody else?

    Hardcore! resting, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, I hope you have a good day! The massage sounds so good. I have a stiff neck this morning. :frown:
    Mary, hope you have a great weekend with your classes!
    And, yeah, where did everyone else go?

    Well, I had a low fever yesterday but it was gone by evening. Yay! No chills or body aches last night. Still feel bad in the head but at least I feel more alive than dead. I have felt bad enough the last few days that I've barely noticed AF in town. :laugh: I am going to try to get over this myself but if I still feel bad by Monday I will prolly go to the doc.
    Goals today: finish laundry, vacuum, school, loosen my neck up, and walk on the TM, even if it's slow. Just so I can move more. I haven't been able to stick with my resolutions very well. I have felt like I am falling apart as of late.

    Need a little glue boogaloo.
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