
casshole Posts: 68 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone heard of this Tabata workout? It is supposed to be like, 4 minutes of hardcore interval training, but i dont know much. Does anyone have details on it, or know of a good routine that does not require equipment?


  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi, I don't know much about it but I do HIIT (high intensity interval training). Theres a really good guide on Cosmopolitian UK:

    hope it helps! xx
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Make sure you warm up enough to really be ready. You can use any cardio movement you want, I've used plyo jumps, hikers (jumping your feet forwards and backwards opposite each other while in a push up position), and a couple other circuit type movements. You can also use sprints.

    You'll need a stopwatch. 20 seconds of all out intensity, then 10 seconds rest.

    Last time I did a tabata workout I did 2 minutes on (4 cycles), 2 minutes rest. I did this cycle 3 times. 12 Minutes of intensity and my cardio was done.
  • houlee
    houlee Posts: 60
    I learned about Tabata's reading the blog "The Great Fitness Experiment" by Charlotte Hilton Anderson. She described it as 20 second of work, followed by 10 second of rest, repeated 8 times (for a grand total of 4 minutes). Here is a link to her blog regarding her tips for Tabata workouts.

    And here is an overview of tabata and the some of the research behind it.

    It does have a caution to it. "Tabata is a tough, high intensity workout. If you are over 40, out of shape, smoke, lead a sedentary lifestyle, have a family history of heart disease, have high cholesterol or high blood pressure, PLEASE see your physician before attempting Tabata." It also recommends taking longer rest periods, and trying only 2-3 rounds of it before moving on to the full 4 minutes of it. I don't know if I would follow this guy's method of jumping on and off the treadmill for the work/rest cycles, but that may just be because I am an utter klutz.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    My personal trainer has me do this on the treadmill, 2min warm up then crank the treadmill up to the maximum speed you can manage (the treadmill I use goes up to 20 and I run at 18) run for 20 secs then, leaving the treadmill going at that speed jump off for 10 seconds (feet on either side) repeat 8 times. 2mins cool down.

    It's 8mins of pure hell :sad: but so effective, it beats long steady state cardio and raises your RMR for up to 24hrs afterwards.

    Feel free to msg me if you want more info
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