Are you a breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack person?



  • drbuffdaddu
    I think I tend to be a snacker... I work serving frozen yogurt so I munch on berries/chopped fruit (the toppings we sell) and yogurt throughout my shifts. I always keep track of it though. Outside of work I snack a lot on vegetables and then my dinners tend to be small. I almost always have an apple late at night before bed.
  • alyssa83202
    I usually have the same thing for breakfast with the only exception of some days having coffee, some days not... so breakfast usually runs me 300-350 calories. Lunch is usually another 300-400 calories, and dinner will usually depend on how many exercise calories I need to eat back! I only snack when I have extra calories, so that accounts for the least of my daily intake. I'd definitely prefer to have a bigger dinner!
  • alyssa83202
    I love those dark chocolate promises! I'm out now, but usually I save enough calories to have two after dinner. It helps keep me from mindlessly snacking too!