P90, P90X, Turbo Jam, or something else???

mmreed Posts: 436 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Well, Im here to try and shave off this big round thing covering my stomach.

Ive let myself go and its time to get back into shape - or at least a shape that inst like the apple on the fruit of the loom commericals!

Im at 330lbs - 6'1" - nearing middle aged life.

I hear great things about all three - P90, P90X, and Turbo Jam.

I am not sure which one to get and focus on. My goal is weight loss - being 330, MAXIMUM weight loss. Im concerned that the P90X is too rigorous or difficult for a guy my size/outta shape, and that the Turbo Jam is more geared for women, and that P90 is too light.

Without really being able to dig into each, I have no basis for these assumptions.

SO - if you were a huge fat guy, what would you pick?

Any other progams I should consider?


  • p90x is awesome, although I'm only on day 8 and I've gained 5 pounds and don't fit in my pants anymore! I'm hoping this water weight will come off fast, cause I've been within my calories the whole time!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I think the P90 is a good program to do prior to the p90x. I think it has less to do with your size than with your fitness ability. When I was 350+, I could do some aerobics, but jumping, for example, was out of the question.

    I just started p90X and it's intense - a lot of jumping, folding, bending, If that's not a problem, then go for it. Otherwise try the p90 - it's still intense and you will max burn.
  • I think that P90X is fine. There is also Chalean Extreme which is based on lifting heavy weights with lower reps and doing two days of interval training. Honestly any of the programs would be fine if you remember to go at your own pace and work up to it.

    Have you considered some of The Biggest Loser DVDs? That would be another option. If you have OnDemand, Fitness TV has a bunch of workouts that you can try out before buying the DVD and The Biggest Loser ones are in there.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I'm on day 7 of p90x (5'11" 198 woman) it's challenging but I can do it. You do what you can and then increase as you go. You should try it, or you could do your own workout with some cardio and weights till you feel you're strong enough to start p90x.

    Good luck.
  • littlemamajamie
    littlemamajamie Posts: 118 Member
    I started with P90 and lost 30 pounds before doing P90X . I would highly recommend starting with P90 and no its not too light. Its a great starting point. Good luck on your journey!
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    My personal opinion-- if you're really out of shape and want to start the process of getting fit-- log all your calories and just start with some cardio (walking, biking, eliptical...)-- 5 days a week. Once you get into the swing of things (tracking your food and making time to exercise), then step up to something more advanced. I think you'll see results and not get overwhelmed right out the gate.
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    I agree with doing P90 first and then trying P90X.
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Turbo Jam is great for weight loss because it has a lot of cardio and the sculpting DVD isn't too strenuous. I would start with either this or P90 and work up to the 'X'. The biggest loser dvd's are also a great option because they are inexpensive.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    P90 (Power 90) was the program that originally inspired Tony Horton to create P90X. Thus, P90X is based on the moves in P90, only made more challenging with longer programs and more variety. That said, I do NOT in any way shape or form believe that P90 is too easy. There are 5 workouts in the program...2 cardio based, 2 strength based and an ab workout. You start off with the 1-2 workouts and as you get fitter, you work your way to the 3-4 workouts. Even people who have done P90X can do the P90 workouts and get their butt busted. It's what you put into it that counts.

    P90X was designed with an already fairly fit person in mind. That said, I know MANY people who were very overweight/obsese who have done the program WITH MODIFICATIONS and were successful. Keep in mind, though, that many of the moves, at your current weight, will be very difficult because of the lack of flexibility that your (in your words), fruit of the loom apple belly, will cause. I would hate for your to purchase P90X and then get frustrated. That said, it can be done. Somewhere recently (it may have been Tony Horton's blog), Tony Horton himself even commented on how P90X had become a tool not only for fit people to get superfit, but for overweight/obese people to get fit, too.

    Turbo Jam is a really good cardio workout. It does, however, lack a true strength training component which I think is essential to weight loss. The key to it, though, is that I find the workouts fun. And yes, there are more women than men in the videos...but so what? I'm currently doing the Turbo Fire program and there's a song called, "I'm a bad girl" in it. One of my friends (who is a 6'6" married man and dad of two teenage boys) says he actually sings the song as he's doing it. So what if it's designed with women in mind. If it gets you moving...that's the key!

    One that you didn't mention that is another Beachbody product (since you've mentioned 3 from the company) is called Rev Abs. It's focus is on cardio and core strengthening and if you goal is overall weightloss and a whittling of the middle, it could be helpful. I could send you a preview video of it if you'd like. Just let me know.

    Best wishes on your journey...and remember one thing (I learned this from Tony Horton), "If you worked out today, you're already healthier than you were yesterday."
  • Hello, there, how r u? I have 2 tell you that my husband and I both do the turbo jam videos, n we love them! They r very tough, but its an incredible workout! I'm not sure if the calories listed in the data base for turbo jam r correct, but u definately burn ALOT! We have been doing the turbo jam cardio dance party mix 1, and the turbo jam kick, punch, jam video. Trust me both will kick ur butt hard, but its fun and the time flies by! Good luck with ur goals!!
  • jug1
    jug1 Posts: 2
    I have done both the p90 and p90x and got great results. I went from 250 down to 198. I have been running alot on the treadmill. I suggest you walk at a fast pace for about 2 minutes then walk at a slow pace for 1 minute. do that about 8 times for 6 days the first week then increase it to 10 times for 6 days the second week. This will get your wind. After that second week if you can do a slow jog for about 1 minute then walk 1 minute to that 10 times 6 days a week. Then jump into p90 (not p90x). You will have your wind and be ready to go. It took me about 7 months to lose this weight and it has been staying off. Another thing if you have a poor diet dont dump all the bad foods your eating all at once. (if you do you will regret it and eat twice as much) Dump your bad foods a little at a time. As your dumping those bad foods a little at a time look for replacement foods close to the ones you dumped. It sounds like your as big heavy as I once was (I am only 5'9) so make sure when your starting out have your self a cheat meal once a week (dont overdue it). I gave myself one year and I am on pace to do it in about 9 months. Get through the first 2 weeks and your home free. good luck
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    I'm doing Power 90 right now. On Week 2, Day 3. It sets you up for P90X, the moves are similar. It's not easy, but it is half the time of the P90X videos. I did that program for 2 weeks and couldn't make it all the way through. I am glad to be doing the Power 90 and working my way back up to the P90X. I feel that it will really help and teach me the moves and strengthen the areas that Tony Horton focuses on with the P90 series. I'm sore everyday with Power 90.
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    I have not done P90 or P90x. Heard they are tough workouts though.

    My suggestion--given your current weight, I would try light cardio for 1 hour, 3 to 4 times a week. Bring a book or newspaper and ride on the recumbant bike, walk outdoors (or on a treadmill) briskly, or use an elliptical trainer. Get a chest-strap heart rate monitor and use it for your workouts. It will help you to gauge your effort.

    I am relatively fit, though overweight. My max heart rate is probably about 165 to 170. Light cardio for me is about 115. One hour of that burns 500 calories.

    Once you improve your conditioning and lose some of the weight you want to lose, then you can up the intensity with P90x or something.

    Of course, the nutrition piece is the key to success (as I am learning).

    Good luck!
  • mmreed
    mmreed Posts: 436 Member

    I ordered the normal P90 program to start with. I figured it was lower cost, and not quite as hard core to start with.

    Now - I just need to find the motivation to DO it once it gets here instead of sitting on the recliner saying Ill start tomorrow.
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