

  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Women are particularly touchy about the subject of weight-loss, and it usually stems from jealousy. You will likely never see a really lean, fit woman get snarky with you about eating a Lean Cuisine or skipping out on Happy Hour to go to the gym after work. A really lean, fit woman would be excited for you that you've made more responsible choices in your life. But a woman who is unhappy with her own appearance and can't find it within herself to make the same positive changes you've made will try anything to drag you down in the hope that it will make her feel better about herself.

    Since this is happening at work, I recommend not engaging these women at all. These days, people wake up every single day looking for something to be offended by, and you don't want to give them any ammunition to use against you in the workplace. Hard as it may be, just ignore them and keep doing what you're doing. Living well, as they say, is the best revenge.
  • Billybobboy
    Billybobboy Posts: 11 Member
    It is probably the garlic (a very heart-healthy food) that creates the smell. Anyway, if what ANY of those people think about what you are eating, or about your personal objectives, is important to you, and I doubt it SHOULD be, then go ahead and eat fast food. You can, you know.... you just have to gauge how that has impacted your daily goal totals, and make the necessary adjustments at home at night... OR, go for a brisk half-hour walk when you get home from work.

    And, in the worst case, adjust your profile goals to 1/2 pound a week lost, which increases your daily allotment of calories, to better accomodate the high sodium, high calorie, high fat fast food lunches, but doing that will just prolong the time-frame for you to attain your goal..

    OR, alternate one meal of dressing-free salad and veggies, with maybe lemon juice on the salade, one day, and fast food the next.

    Regardless, not all Smart /Healthy Choice type meals have an odor you need to be concerened about. As for the source of odors: soy, garlic, seafood, terryaki, would be the main culprits. Flavor comes in two formats; you are either going to get high fat, or high sodium. Low-fat, low-sodium tastes like cardboard... so every day you have to make a choice, and hopefully it will be a choice based on what seems best for YOU, not what your co-workers think is appealing.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Yikes - they are on to something!
    Don't eat that crap!

    For some of us, they are a really good option. We are all aware they are processed and high in sodium, bla bla bla. No need to judge.

    I don't know how my opinion was judging.
    If you like it - eat away.
    It was an opinion.
    That's all.
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