Just joined and need all the motivation I can get :)

Babiedoll36 Posts: 8 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, My name is Amy. I'm 33 wife and mother of 3 beautiful children who deserve the fullest that life has to offer them! I feel that my weight is a big set back for them and what our daily functions end up be.....Sitting at home watching t.v. I have finaly this past year taken off 57lbs and now ran into a stand still :( I still need to lose about 65lbs to reach my goals. Any advice is welcomed!!! Please! thank you and please add me as a friend! :) Hope to here what anyone has for advice


  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    friend request on the way. if you ever need motivation this site is definitely the place to go. there is so much encouragement and ideas and wonderful people. good luck to you.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Ahh yes the standstill, I just left one of those!

    Glad to see you, friend request on the way:) Hopefully we can learn and motivate each other. The more the merrier!:drinker:
  • Hi Amy, I have recently lost 21lbs through exercise and changing my diet drastically. I am aiming to lose another 14lbs by summer, I can advise you any way I can!
  • Babiedoll36
    Babiedoll36 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone for taking the time for me!!
  • Hi hun, i joined in Dec 2010, just started posting last few days, you will love it here, ive found people so helpful and really nice towards newbies! Good luck x
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