I'm new! And on a mission---


I just bought my first scale today, I've been in denial. I was pretty slim when I was in high school, of course, back then, I thought I was huge. And then I had two babies, oh. my. god. What happened!!?? I'm 153 lbs, but it's in alllll the wrong places. Mostly, my belly, which I was sort of a little ok with, I used the "I had babies excuse", but now it's spreading to my upper arms, and thighs, and even, gulp, my duelies (love handles)!! My mission is to get down to 135 lbs. I think the first 10 or so will come off fairly easily, by just being more active and watching out for junkfood. But those last 8, thoooose will be deadly to get off.

Any other post baby bodies out there: "Is there a bikini after babies!!??"


  • PearlMarie_3gen_11484
    Hello and welcome! You're at the right place for motivation. We can do this!
  • boymomthree
    boymomthree Posts: 28 Member
    Sounds like we have about the same story. Problem is my youngest is getting too old for any excuses. ;)
    Our goals look about the same as well. We can and will do this!
  • luvlys05
    I'm on the same mission! Just had my son, second child, 2 months ago. Gotta get these last 20 or so pounds off! I'm just hoping I can stay motivated. My main problem area is my belly too, ugh. Still need to go buy my first scale, which I'm about to head out the door to do. I've got a good start on changing my eating habits so far, it's the working out part that's going to be tricky. Only time will tell.....
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    i used the excuse of having the kids was why i put the weight on, maybe a bit of it but its the over-eating and the non exercising for me lol.

    but yes i have some pregnancy pounds i need to loose plus a little bit more,

    you can do this add me as a friend if u like :)
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    I'm in the same boat and still wondering if there's bikini after baby! haha! Good luck on your journey! I'm right there with ya!