New Member.... living in the Dirty....

:happy: Hey All... My Name is Stefanie... I live in FL.... 28 and unhealthy.... My fiancé and I made a packed that this year we were both get healthier..... Our goal is to lose 100lb each by next Jan..... We want to be able to enjoy our lives.... at this rate we wont be able to truly enjoy life, being overweight and with health problems that are now starting to surface.....

I want to be able to keep up with my Kids when we have them..... Get on a roller coaster with out worrying will "Will I fit....." Get on a plane buckle up with out asking "Can I please have an extensions" with the other passanger glaring at you.... (yeah that was the strew that broke the camels back for me).....

I just want to be able to do all I want to do.... without being limited because of my weight....