Gym tips

I tend to stick to one hour of cardio twice a week at the gym, but should I be doing some weights as well?
I'm waiting to loose fat/weight primarily as I'm not really bothered about building muscle...

Hints or tips anyone?

(saying that... when I say "I tend to stick to" I should have said "i'm aiming to do")


  • carlhunt3r
    carlhunt3r Posts: 9 Member
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Hi Carl :)

    I think it's great your "aiming to do" two hours of cardio a week although you're right in saying you should also do some weights. Weights are great in toning and adding to a slim figure. Aim to squeeze another session in a week if you can or mix it up each day ur at the gym by spending 15 min doing weights and then moving on to 45 min of cardio after that. It will help burn fat faster and as long as you arent using heavy weights you won't turn into the hulk. Good luck!!