a new year, a new goal

i used MFP from january 2010 until october 2010 and i lost about 65 pounds. since october i've gained 10 back...

so this is my fresh start. my goal is to lose about 60 pounds over then next year. i've found that when i am diligent in tracking my calories i have the greatest success. so that is what i'm going to do. i'd like to lose closer to 80 pounds, but i think that 5 pounds a month is a healthy, reasonable goal.

here we go! :tongue:


  • wendiwen123
    wendiwen123 Posts: 30 Member
    Congrats on your success last year!!!! What an inspiration you are :P
    Good luck on your goals this year.
  • aklindsay
    aklindsay Posts: 27 Member
    thanks! i've still got a ways to go, but i will succeed!