Anywhere Abs

didn't know if anyone else discovered this on their kindles ....but I got this for $2 and its awesome


  • dlj1970
    dlj1970 Posts: 186 Member
    do you use the "audiobook" mode? or you just read through the exercises and then try them afterward?
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    it actually just shows you a pic of the exercise and i have it on the beginner (there is moderate and advanced too) then there is a timer...for ones where you have to alternate sides it stops midway and then you can restart it...on every exercise there is a "help" option that describes the has you do 6 different types of abs ...also if you want more you can do Session 2 which has 6 other ab exercises....the only thing is I wish it had a beep when the timer is up.
  • time2move
    time2move Posts: 78 Member
    I know this is a few months old, but thank you! I just ordered my Kindle today and did a search for it on here. I added Anywhere Abs to my "Kindle Wishlist"!