
I would strongly suggest becoming a vegetarian to help with losing weight. I became a vegetarian six months ago and I have already lost six pounds just from not eating meat. I feel better too. I have more energy. I also had a hard time digesting meat and I would feel bloated for days after. Within a month, I felt better. It was amazing to see such a difference. I chose to become a vegetarian for ethical and dietary reasons and I would recommend everyone to try it. :flowerforyou:


  • RainyDayProphet
    I've done the Vegetarian things, but in all Honesty I eat a lot of meat and have lost nearly 50 pounds in the last 5 months.

    I'm glad you're having success with it, but animal proteins seem to do better for a lot of people with regards to burning fat and building muscle tone.

    I feel it is more about dedication and exercise than it's about meat vs no meat.

    Congrats on your success :)

  • merimeaux
    merimeaux Posts: 304 Member
    At age 5 I made a conscious choice to stop eating meat because of one inspiring teacher and have never looked back. Kudos to adults who have made the switch; I imagine it would be much harder at an older age. And there are indeed countless ways to get protein without many alternatives are on the market now. It's great! :)
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    It all depends.... ive been doing a semi vegetarian diet for 6 months now and feel the best i ever have.... i only eat Chicken and seafood, i stay away from red meats!!! There is some science behind the eat right for you blood type and according to that i should eat a vegetarian diet and my husband would do better on a animal protein diet (and he feels better when he eats more meat)!!! So i guess you just have to find out what works best for you!!!!
  • 4KidFather
    Very Interesting thread.
    I was a poor student and had been lacto-ovo for many months at a time. However, i was TOO scrawny. I was very active but could NOT gain muscle till I got back on meat and cut out grains (corn and wheat mostly). I still love fruit and veggies though but I probably eat the same amount PLUS meat.
    Now I'm considering eating MORE meat -it's ice fishing season here :)

    I've seen many (vegan) friends do well with regards to losing weight BUT NOT ALL! I guess we have to really listen to our bodies and feed it what it needs.
    Regarding ethical meat - I strive to eat that which I hunt and fish for. I'm also blessed to live by many outstanding (mostly Amish) farmers and get great grass fed meat and natural poultry - not slaughterhoused.
    _Rain I agree with you on the activity there. But I had to focus on nutrient timing and meat to see any gains.
    _GIGI I tried the blood type - which for me was carb/grains. Didn't get what I need though. Poultry is good and lean and Fish is next to near miracle food if you ask me.

    Jus' my tuppence.

    If you're curious you can see my before and after
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I do not do well not eating meat (I do not absorb iron well and am borderline anemic). But I try to make my meals veggie heavy and cut back on the meat. I typically eat minmal meat at least 5 meals a week (lunch and dinner). I rarely have meat for breakfast. I am pondering doing the Mark Bittman method and cut out the meat before dinner. We'll see how this works out.