Ack Help!

ModelMcDaniels Posts: 1
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I need to loss the baby fat I gained 4 1/2 years ago with my daughter. Yep I got lazy and didn't exercise it off after having her and now im felt with this extra flab or skin (not much) and fat. Ive changed my eating habit from lots of candy and whatever else i wanna eat to no candy and only intaking 1,200 calories a day. Im 5'8 and 119 pounds. I know skinny right. Apparently not in my stomach. I want to tone my stomach, legs, arms and bust size if possible. Anyone have suggestions other then surgery.


  • Annista
    Annista Posts: 59 Member
    Have you tried circuit training? It would tone you up and help you lose the belly fat. A body pump class would be good too. Anything with weigths. The two I suggested would get your cardio in at the same time.
  • pilates is great for a nice toned core and body! Good luck!
  • Strength training. I used Chalene Extreme from Beach body and got great results. I seriously love this program.
    Toning has changed my body shape. I am just above what I think of as my goal weight by 2 whole pounds, but smaller and tighter all over. Chalene has you do minimal reps with heavier weights. It has changed my life.

    Cathe Fredricks also does some good strength training dvds.

    You might find this article interesting. I seriously want my arms to look like this. :)

    So before you go the surgical route I would try strength training.
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    I weigh alot more than you and honestly have looked down at my stomach (2 kids) and thought there is no way that will ever be flat, BUT once upon a time I made it happen, three years ago I worked my butt off losing weight, the smallest weight I ever reached was 145 but for a moment I had a flat tummy and my love handles made a straight line not huge curvy waves. The problem was I didn't have the dedication to keep at the work, once I hit that point I gave up and thought," I finally made it and now I'm done" I was wrong. 3 years later I am the heaviest I have ever been and I am starting my journey all over again, but this time I am in it for the long haul, I will reach my goal and maintain the body I want to have for the rest of my life, that being said I did a variation on exercises, I am an infomercial watcher, but a very cheap spender, I actually bought the Slim and 6 but didn't have the patience to completely follow I did however use all of the waist widdle-ing moves she had and threw in my own stuff like the hip-hop abs moves and crunches. I would stand in front of the t.v. and do side bends for hours each week. I didn't really diet back then, just cut back on sweet tea and the amount of food I ate. I did alot of cardio and always change it up...I get so bored with the same old work-outs and back then I walked almost everyday!! Good Luck!!!! I
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