
maletac Posts: 767 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
so i decided i wanna run a marathon... i have NO NONE experience running at all... i ran tonight for 50 min.... and thats the first time in like in like over 5 or 6 years that i have ran for more than 25 min...

i got an app on my phone that does couch to 5k plan... but what else should i do?

and other tips??

how often should i run outside? (i live in az weather is nothing)

and does hiking affect your running power?


  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    I have found that hiking helps with my stamina, especially if I run the trails. It also burns more calories than just running on a treadmill or on the track.

    I think you're on the right path!
  • Sign up for an account with The Phoenix metro area has a TON of races, every distance imaginable. I did the Cha Cha 7 mile Trail Run in the White Tanks in October- they already have one set up for this coming October if you're into trail running. If you want to eventually do a marathon, I would start scheduling out some 5 ks to start and then move up to 10k, etc. That will get you prepared I bet. Good luck!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    You can find tons of info on marathon training at these sites

    Hal Higdon
    Jeff Galloway
    Runners world

    I love hiking as an alternative or addition to running. going up & down hills and on uneven surfaces helps your legs out. I add a pack when I hike and after a while I really noticed improved leg strength.
  • Rinny_D
    Rinny_D Posts: 80 Member
    Hiking is great for building the muscles up for running, and yes- it burns a fair few calories. Hiking helps with your endurance and strength as well as having the benefit of minimal jolting on your joints compared to running.

    Be careful starting out running though! DONT get flat out into it, you need to ease your way in, I have been running for years but I got a little obsessed for a while and spent every night and most mornings doing a session on the treadmill and OVER DID IT- and now I have shin splints and even if I rest from running for 6-12 weeks at a time it doesn't take long for them to come back :(

    I can quite easily run 10km and I too would absolutely LOVE to run a MARATHON.

    I will give you a few tips

    1) make a 10 week plan of running, something like
    wk 1-2: Run 2x for 20-30 minutes - 1x on hard ground (including treadmill) and one on soft ie:grass or sand
    wk 3-4: Run 3x- 1x hard ground & 2x Soft ground for 30 minutes
    wk 5-6 Run 3x- 1x hard ground for 40 minutes, 1x soft round for 30 minutes & 1x soft ground for up to 50 minutes
    wk 7-9 Run 3x- 1x hard ground for up to 50 minutes & 2x soft ground for up to 60 minutes
    wk 10- Run 3x- use both hard and soft ground- 1x run do as long as possible, maybe set a distance ie:15-20 kms and run until distance is complete. + 2 shorter runs of 30mins.

    Then just continue from then on to do 1x Long run per week and 1-2 shorter runs per week. Just try working on getting a better time for the distance you are running each time, Also utilise swimming and riding as they are low impact for your body but great to increase and maintain your fitness level.

    Hope that helps.
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