A question to the fitness experts

yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Since the beguining of the month, my weight pretty much stay the same but I lost .5 inche at my waist and my hips. (in only 10 days YAY).

Literature say that it is imposible to increase the muscle mass when we have a calories deficit but I do feel more muscular and the scale seem to indicate that I am building muscles....is there something I do not understand?

Thank you


  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    i seem to have this issue everytime i go to lose eight i dont see anything change on the scales but my clothes feel looser and a lil more toned....
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Literature say that it is imposible to increase the muscle mass when we have a calories deficit but I do feel more muscular and the scale seem to indicate that I am building muscles....is there something I do not understand?

    You cannot produce more muscle MASS but you can do a recomposition of muscle, which is what you are probably [starting to] do.
  • hostile17
    hostile17 Posts: 54 Member
    You can definitely build muscle and lose weight on a calorie controlled diet. I have done so.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I've read that in various places too and I think that they really need to be a bit more specific about it. Common sense would tell us that its not impossible to build SOME muscle, just not a huge, significant quantity of it! Especially if you are strength training, which involves the break down and repair of muscle - there will be some growth there as the muscle repairs and your strength increases. It won't be herculean, but there will still be some small increase.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    What kdiamond saaid is correct. It is difficult to increase muscle mass when you are running a caloric deficit. It is possible to increase lean mass, but only after 10 days, that seems unlikely. It might possibly be due to increased water retention in the muscles.
    I would look at it logically. If you are eating right and exercising and you lost inches, why would you assume you are gaining in fat just because your scale weight went up?
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
  • hostile17
    hostile17 Posts: 54 Member
    Why are you bumping your own topic after less than 8 hours, and when you already have numerous replies?
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Why are you bumping your own topic after less than 8 hours, and when you already have numerous replies?

    #1 what does it matter?
    #2 to probably get it in her "My Topics" list as those things roll off as new post to other topics she's posted to comes because she doesn't have time to read it right now
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Why are you bumping your own topic after less than 8 hours, and when you already have numerous replies?

    Dear god , who pissed in your cornflake? I wish to have some input from some peoples that are specialists in fitness and nutrition and I know they come more at night then in the morning. If it's the kind of attitude your going to have here, you wont last long because this might be the internet, but MFP is a piece of heaven where being rude is NOT acceptable.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Why are you bumping your own topic after less than 8 hours, and when you already have numerous replies?

    Dear god , who pissed in your cornflake? I wish to have some input from some peoples that are specialists in fitness and nutrition and I know they come more at night then in the morning. If it's the kind of attitude your going to have here, you wont last long because this might be the internet, but MFP is a piece of heaven where being rude is NOT acceptable.

  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Is there a way for you to get a body composition work up done? I know I personally struggle with understanding this too. I am doing P90X and in my first month, lost no weight - (bounced the same 1-2 lbs around) but when I measured I lost 4 inches in my waist and 2 each everywhere else. I meant to get on the scale to test body fat % but didn't get around to it at the 30 day mark and will wait until the 90 day mark at this point.
    When I was at the dr the other day she commented on she was surprised I weigh as low as I do because of my muscle % but I still in my mind want to lose 10lbs more.
    I say stick with what you are doing - 10days isn't much in the big picture, just think of it as it took longer than 10days to get you there - and refocus on eating right, no working out too much that you are counterproductive and getting healthy, the weight loss will come. It's taken me 18 months to get where I am.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    You know, it is a weird thing. When I got pregnant with my daughter, I was very much into martial arts and worked out very, very hard 6 days per week. I was smaller in the waist than I am now. When I went for my initial weigh in, I was 146 lbs. - and believe me, there was hardly any BF to spare! I currently wear the same size clothes that I wore then. I am 5' 7" and currently weigh 137 - fully 9 lbs less, however my BF is higher and although I am wearing the same size clothes, my waist is bigger. Bizarre how you can be smaller, more fit and weigh more.

    I don't own a scale. Never have. Never will. My scale is my clothes. I've worn the same size since high school and when the waistband starts feeling snug, I kick things up a notch and clean up my diet. My current goal is get my BF down, probably not as low as it was when I got pregnant, but happily in the middle of the 'fitness' range (I'm currently at the upper end of the range).

    I agree with mlb - keep up the good work. Work out, keep a good diet and think about ditching the scale.

    As to the rude poster - you'll notice the screen name was "hostile" - that says it all, don't you think?
  • hostile17
    hostile17 Posts: 54 Member
    Dear god , who pissed in your cornflake? I wish to have some input from some peoples that are specialists in fitness and nutrition and I know they come more at night then in the morning. If it's the kind of attitude your going to have here, you wont last long because this might be the internet, but MFP is a piece of heaven where being rude is NOT acceptable.

    It was a question, it was not rude. You are the one that has resorted to disgusting, offensive language - THAT is rude.

    It was a mere 8 hours. Bumping is frowned upon in most respectable internet communities because it forcefully reasserts one's topic and pushes other topics out of the way. It's the internet equivalent of shouting over someone else to get attention. Bumping is normally done after a week or so if a topic isn't replied to, not hours later. So I asked the question.

    Also you could have said "Hi, thank you everyone for your input, I appreciate your helpful insight. Anyone else have any thoughts?" That would have put your topic back to the top and made those that contributed to your question feel thanked. But by saying the word "bump", without any thanks, what you're saying is "Don't care about any reply I got so far, want an actual reply that I find valuable." That's disrespectful to the people that replied to you.

    People here contribute their time to help others... you should be respectful of that before resorting to abusive responses.

    My view on life is that it can take a second to type the six letters to create the little word "thanks", but offer a day of good feelings to those that are being thanked.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Why are you bumping your own topic after less than 8 hours, and when you already have numerous replies?

    Read it again. It does come across as very rude.

    Perhaps the poster did not know "Bumping is frowned upon in most respectable internet communities because it forcefully reasserts one's topic and pushes other topics out of the way." I'd certainly never heard that before.

    Perhaps the poster wasn't actually trying to force it to the top of the forum list, but rather was trying to force it to the top of her own My Topics list.

    There could have been many reason why the poster bumped it.

    But it remains that your response could also have been a little more gently given.
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