Oh, the joys of being a comfort eater/drinker... I'm guessing there are many others who are similar to me and eat or drink their problems away. I have gotten better at the drinking part but have recently fallen back into my comfort food blanket due to stress at work.

In a perfect world I would head to the gym when I was stressed, but instead I head home to veg on the couch and eat snacks. This is only a temporary fix and I end up feeling bad about it the next day which sends me, again, to the couch to veg some more and the endless cycle is perpetuated.

Does anyone have some good tips to get my *kitten* to the gym?


  • sabrads
    sabrads Posts: 152
    Maybe instead of looking for a way to get to the gym you need to find a way to bring the gym to you.

    Do you have a exercise routine you can do at home so you remove the block of going to the gym - in that way if you come home stressed you can work out for a while instead of reaching for the comfort foods ?
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    The only advice to give would be to take gym bag to work and go straight there from work. Hope this helps! Good luck you can do it.
  • cjnorman
    Change your route home to drive past the gym every night. Put your gym bag in the car when you leave for work on the days when you are intend to stop. It won't make you stop but it will make it easier.
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    your gym is YOU! don't get into that rationalize only a certain place is for exercise. park further away and walk. do dumbbells at home; buy a zumba dvd or cd for the tunes and dance it away. keep moving! do the math: 24 hours in a day minus your sleep time is how many hours sitting?? change that number! good luck!
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Try to go at least for a long walk instead of sitting. Even a slow walk is better than sitting!
  • Sarean
    Sarean Posts: 77
    I have the same comfort eating issue and winter (especially this one) is a really tough time for me.

    To get myself motivated I put up a few reminders around my apartment . I put photos of a smaller me on my fridge and pantry cabinet. I put a quote on the mirror in my bathroom - "All glory comes from daring to begin." Eugene F. Ware. I put a calendar beside my fridge and give myself a sticker every day that I do something active for at least 30 minutes.

    I think you have to figure out what motivates you and make a way of reminding yourself of those things. If it's a specific outfit, hand that outfit where you see it everyday. If it's a picture or photo, put it up where you see it everyday.
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    I don't know how to get your butt to the gym because I am bad for that too and I actually don't go to the gym. I have dealt with stress and actually just came off a leave of absense from work due to stress. One thing that helps me is I go for a 3km walk everynight. Doesn't matter what the weather is or what time it is by the time I can go, I just do it. It clears my head and I come back feeling SO much better. Helps me sleep too!