Cheat Days?



  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I have an occasional cheat day, but not one that I schedule each week. I allow myself to let loose, within reason, and just enjoy some foods I generally don't eat. Some times I will record my calories on that day, some times I don't, it just depends on my mood. I usually try to save them as a "reward", like this past Saturday after running a 5K race. My understanding is that it does help more than hinder as long as you don't get into the food gutter and stay there!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I don't schedule them, but life happens so I try not to freak out when it does. Friday ended up a bad day for me (went over by around 800 calories -- didn't log any of the beer I had because I had had too many drinks by then!) but my friend invited us out and we wanted to go. The problem is when you go over EVERYDAY!

    Interesting this is that the next day, I lost like 1.2 lbs so sometimes mixing it up can work!
  • jenifer4
    Thanks so much everyone!!!
  • mhowe86
    mhowe86 Posts: 37
    I LOVE cheat days!

    I tend to keep it to a cheat meal but they are fantastic none the less. Once a week, if i kept up my diet and didn't slip durring the week, i reward myself with something that i miss eatting. Last week was Chicken Pad Thai!
  • princess_f
    SAturday is our 'treat' night. before diet it was massive pizzas or curry with the works. This time instead of pizza and chips it will pizza and salad, curry, homemade with veg to pack it out and boiled brown rice. Still yummy treats,just better thought out
  • sweetsexy43
    sweetsexy43 Posts: 99 Member
    Yeah, i have to agree with you on that..i cannot even begin to cheat..because for now..its just like a drug addict..i cant be around it..because i know i will use!!
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    For ME, they are not good! I go over board and then I feel like crap. It doesn't do anything good for me. So, I don't do 'cheat days' but instead make sure I eat good 90% of the time. And I never plan to eat bad, but if a special occasion arises and I've been doing good, I don't feel guilty for splurging.
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    Oh man! This is so me!!! I feel like it is an addiction problem! I struggle so bad!

    Yeah, i have to agree with you on that..i cannot even begin to cheat..because for now..its just like a drug addict..i cant be around it..because i know i will use!!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    To each their own I say. For me it's a TREAT day. Not a cheat day. I've been working hard all week so I'll have a day where I eat a cheeseburger and fries.

    If you know that you will fall off the wagon with a treat now and then it's probably not a good idea for you. If you have a little more discipline and know that you will be back on track tomorrow, it's okay in my book.
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    A whole cheat day? No.

    I had a cheat meal last week and I felt like I was making up for it for the rest of the week. I will probably allow myself to indulge more than I should for my birthday next month. But, I do not want to do a "cheat" day, not until I lose a heck of a lot more weight. I don't feel I deserve it just yet. I mean, I have been eating crap and indulging for years. I want to get the control back over my desire and giving a day a week for me is a slippery slope to losing that control I have fought for.
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    I agree with most of the guys here. I don't call it a cheat day and it's never a 'day'. I call it my 'reward meal'. I work out really hard for the entire week and on Sundays, my boyfriend and I will choose a restaurant for one meal that I'm really craving for. This way, I feel like I'm rewarding myself for the hard work I've done and I'm not depriving myself of something great.

    One key thing I learned from my overbearing Taiwanese mother always want to eat ONLY 80% full. It's a very Japanese/Asian way of eating. You see how Asian girls are often skinny? It's because we have smaller portions and we often eat only 80% full. Before you ask, I asked the same thing, how do you know if you are 80% full? You will learn to listen to your stomach and you will know when you are done before you stuff yourself. Took me a while to get used to it but I get it now so even if I do prepare myself a big bowl of teriyaki chicken, I don't often eat the whole thing, probably half the bowl takes me to about 75-85% but I make sure I will eat something again in about 2 hours, like fruit or some nuts.

    Hope this helps!

  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I've been following the plan from Jackie Warner's newest book...and it's pretty much eat clean all week, and then enjoy 2 cheat meals on the weekend. I personally wouldn't want to treat any day as a "cheat" day as I feel I'd totally take advantage of it and there is way too much room to go nuts and over indulge. But I do look forward to a dinner out with friends and a drink, or breakfast with my husband on Sunday morning....and I keep them at 1500 cals or less.
  • peggybrant
    peggybrant Posts: 144 Member
    I try... but then I go overboard. But if I could I definitely would! :D

    this is my whole problem too so I'm not allowed cheat days. For someone to tell me I can have ONE slice of pizza is just rubbing it in then i'm just gonna be mad. Like my son insisting when we went grocery shopping to pick up the Etemans cinnamon rolls, or just having to stop at a fast food place so the smell of his burger and fries are filling up the car..That was just heartbreaking. :sad:
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    After I complete 14 solid days of dieting, I will have a cheat MEAL every Friday. One meal of anything I want to eat and drink. When I lost 30 pounds before my wedding, this was a definite thin for me. It helped keep me going another week and I also think it did help with weight loss. I guess my first cheat meal will be this Friday!! MEXICAN!!! Ahhhhh!! LOL!