Hello everyone!

Me and my husband are doing this together, we both have quite a bit to lose! My husband has about 50 and I have a little over 100. So far we love this site, just need to get some friends on here. :)


  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Tackle it 10 lbs at a time- little goals :)

    And be prepared - on the same diet/exercise he will lose faster than you.

    Maybe sneak some cookies into him while he's sleeping so you can lose faster:laugh:
  • Tonya84
    Tonya84 Posts: 18
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Welcome!! I am also new to this. I just started 01-06-11. I sent you a friends request. The more friends you get.... The better support system!! Having a support system with friends that are doing the exact same thing is really KEY!! :flowerforyou:

    I look forward in supporting you in your weight loss :flowerforyou:
    TORNATO1 Posts: 52 Member
    I have been on this site for a little over a week and love it. Tracking everything you eat is so easy! I have already lost weight from hard work and eating very healthy. Good luck!
  • gebnpb
    gebnpb Posts: 166
    You will do great!! I sent a request!! The more friends the better because they really help encourage you because they r going through the same thing!!:flowerforyou:
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    My husband and I have done it together as well. It is absolutely wonderful to have my best friend on this jorney with me so we can support each other. Thankfully he is very open-minded and eager to try new things. We initially started our journey because of some health issues he had. He started with about 50 pounds to lose, and I about 80.
    He did gain a bit over Christmas, but has about 20-25 pounds to go, and I have exactly 30 pounds to go. The best benefit of this is that he is no longer in such danger of diabetes, it is rampant in his family and he was diagnosed as "pre-diabetic".
    We have completely changed the way we eat, shop, cook, and view food. It is a completely different world than a year ago, one that we are confident will have us growing old together with renewed health.

    Welcome to MFP!
  • michafs99

    I agree -- little steps! I'm trying to lose 15. My first goal was 2.5 and I made it! It's easier to stick with if you can see some success. And I always save like 100 calories for a bite of chocolate at the end of the day. :o)