I'm new! Lets hope this works :0)

Pip_K_W Posts: 47 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all!

I have never really been on a "diet", I tried Slim Fast for a few months towards the end of last year and lost about 10 pounds but the shakes got too expensive so I stopped!

I'm hoping this is the answer to my problems as I need support and encouragement to succeed and this looks like the place to be!

I am ready to get going and start losing more weight! Just wanted to introduce myself to everyone :0)

Pip x


  • Don't think of it as a diet, but as a lifestyle change! And then, you'll be fine! It's got to be something that you really really want...and will strive to keep doing. And as long as you put your mind to it, you can do it! Some days will be hard, and other will be amazingly easy...just don't push yourself too hard. And don't get down if you "mess up" one day...because "tomorrow is another day"! I wish you the best of luck! And feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like to!
    DAMECHOCOLATE79 Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome I am also new a week or two ,I really like it its helping me keep track of what i eat n exercise n i get encourage ment n it helps alot good luck n i hope you keep in touch!
  • VeronicaJSinger
    VeronicaJSinger Posts: 7 Member
    Good for you! This isn't really a "diet" It's more like just becoming aware of what you're eating so you can keep yourself healthy :) I hope that you find exactly what you're looking for with this site, I know I have!
  • klwatkins
    klwatkins Posts: 16 Member
    Good luck girl (: This site is wonderful! And the people are truly amazing. Just stick with it! Send me a friend request if you would like!
  • Hi there !!! I just started using myfitnesspal on Friday of last week (january 7, 2011) and so far so good !!!! Just these 5 days and I feel less bloated and just generally better !!!! I've always found it helpful to track what I am eating.....started wit h 50 to lose and am already down a little.....
  • 1983Miller
    1983Miller Posts: 89 Member
    Every year I start a diet too, but until MFP I usually could not stick with it. Seems my addiction to hearing about the success and challenges of others and feeling part of a group that has a purpose has made me feel like I am stronger and can stick with this program. I enjoy eating my normal foods but have learned a ton about portion control and choices, some choices really raised my carb levels up tremendously, if you are interested in seeing some of my family food choices, friend me on MFP and you will be able to see my food diary and maybe get some inspiration, that has helped me keep my food choices from getting mundane.

    My motivation is to create a better image of myself through eating better, consistent exercise and getting up off the couch. My willpower has gotten stronger as I have seen small improvements each week. Looking forward to the upcoming weeks! Good luck to you too!
  • if you would like, send me a friend request as well...the more the merrier they say !!! :)
  • It does work! As a newbie myself I can attest to it- just lost 9 lbs since Thanksgiving. I have done Slim Fast and Nutri-System and Atkins- and lost weight with all of them, but none of them teach you how to eat once you're done! And that, I feel, is the worst part. Here you learn much more about how much food you can put in your body and lose weight. And the support is awesome!! Good luck- friend me if you like.
  • Pip_K_W
    Pip_K_W Posts: 47 Member
    Wow! Thank you all for the reply's!

    I can already see the effect this site has and hope I can become another success story :0)

    Feel free to add me as a friend, we are all in this together x
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member

    You're going to love this site. I joined more than a year ago but never really got into it. This year I thought I'd give it another go..and instead of addicted to Facebook..I use this! The support you'll find here is just amazing. You find yourself being inspired from people all around and it's a great feeling!

    Add me as a friend and we can support each other!

  • I just started this in the new year myself. It has been working so far -- lost 4 lbs my first week by being honest with myself and MFP! I have never had to 'diet' either, always been athletic and fit. But after my son, I'd just love to lose that little bit of cushion. There is wonderful support on this site -- and like the other posts say -- it's more addiciting than FACEBOOK for sure!

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