New and wanted to say hello

kgguess210 Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I am new to this i currently weigh 210 pounds. I am the same weight now as 10 years ago pregnant with my daughter. I feel like I am carrying a 9 month again on my body and I want it gone. I ant to say hello to everyone and goodluck. If anyone has any help with idea please let me know


  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    hi and welcome to the site. the people on here are awesome. go ahead and friend me and we will encourage each other
  • Brush you teeth after eating to help curb the "sweet tooth" urge. Good Luck!:smile:
  • Welcome! I've been using the site for two days, and I'm already addicted to reading posts and learning more... I love all the encouraging folks here! I'm hoping to spread the cheer, as they have spread it to me already! Good luck!
  • Thats funny you said that I after I ate lunch today I had a sweet tooth and ate gumballs. I will start brushing right after thank you.
  • MayaNelson
    MayaNelson Posts: 62 Member
    Greetings from the great white north of the state of Illinois - snowy Chicagoland.

    Old, fat white girl here. LOL Well I have to laugh about it, I've been down that other road.

    I'm on a journey to be fit for once and forever! And that is 100+ pounds and lots of soul searching to go! For all the right reasons this time.

    I've been on here for a few weeks and love the tools and stories.

    Happy to link up on myfitnesspal, twitter, fb, etc.
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