Am I doing something wrong, or am I just impatient?

desireemunoz Posts: 3
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I started MFP just a week ago when I was doing some research online and found that I was "obese". I never thought that word would apply to me. Anyway, I decided to do something about it and here I am. I have a gym membership and have been going every day for a week about thirty minutes a day. I have counted every calorie that enters my mouth and have managed to stay almost exactly at my goal. This morning I weighed myself and I gained 1.2 pounds. How can this be? Am I doing something wrong. If I would have lost an ounce I would have been thrilled to see any progress, but to gain makes me hopeless. Help!


  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I betting it's the exercise. Your muscles will retain water at the start of any new program and that will cause a gain.

    Weigh yourself at the same time first thing in the morning for the most accurate weight. Your weight can fluctuate 2-4 lbs a day as well.

    What type of exercise are you doing? Calories per day?
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    It could be a number of different things. Water retention, change in routine, not enough enough, eating too much, time of month etc. It's only been a week. In my first 2 weeks, I saw NO change at all. I didn't let it get me down, i continued. In my 3rd week, I lost 7lbs. Sometimes your body takes a minute to figure out that things are changing and that you're doing something different. It's slower than we are to clue in :) Just let your body realize what's going on & you'll see the loss. Keep going, DON'T GIVE UP!!
  • crazytxmom
    crazytxmom Posts: 166 Member
    What kind of exercises are you doing at the gym? Are you on the treadmill or lifting weights? How much exercise have you done before this last week? Your body may have traded some fat for muscle. While that may not look like you want it to on the scale, overall you will be healthier and better able to sustain more fat-burning exercises in the weeks to come.

    Keep up the good work and you will see results.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Up your water intake... your body is adjusting and the best thing to help it through the process is to keep yourself completely hydrated... if you're not running to the bathroom at least once every hour drink more!!! :laugh:
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    the bmi always ticked me off. they dont take anything in to account. my husband is 6 ft 5, 185 pounds and mostly muscle and skinny, and hes considered overweight. it might be a scale, but it still ticks me off. :mad: definitely keep at it. your body is probably messed up and not knowing what you are doing to it. you just have to keep at it. go ahead and friend me and we can encourage each other.
  • Thank you so much to all who answered, what a blessing you all are! I will keep at it and not give up!
  • I am glad to see that I am not the only one that is experiencing this. It has been 8 days for me, same thing - I have been working out and staying at my calorie level. And not ONE pound came off. I was starting to get discouraged. Then my boyfriend told me to stop weighing myself (or only weigh myself once a week in the morning) and to go more by how my clothes start to feel on me.

    I do FEEL better, not as bloated in the belly, like I am getting deeper breathes and last night I slept through the entire night! I have not worked out since July, so it is taking a little to get back into it. But it would be helpful to hear if others had this experience.
  • hi im 2 weeks in exercising 4-6 times a week on ea sports often under goal never over (but not going into below 1200 starvation mode) first week i lost a lb very dissapointed as hoped the complete overhaul of lifestyle and food woul amount to at least 2 lb even worse the next week i had gained it back. Hoping will be a loss next week or I am at a complete loss how long can a body be shocked and holding on to the weight. Cant go by clothes as all lose anyway and didnt measure myself feeling very disheartened
  • dbower18
    dbower18 Posts: 40 Member
    Here's a good rule of thumb: If you are maintaining your weight a good scale is your best friend. If you are trying to lose weight it's your worst enemy. Don't obsess over day-to-day fluctuations, focus on the long term which is after all the rest of your life. Get healthy, get strong, get your life back, everything else is stamp collecting.
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