Gift when you hit goal weight?

Any special gift or event you plan on doing when you hit your goal weight?

I am hoping to hit mine by my birthday in May and when I do I am going to go sky diving :D


  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Im going to Alaska and fish and explore it.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    My Husband and I are finally going to go on our Honeymoon. Don't know where yet, but I will be wearing a bathing suit then!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I adore presents so I have a gift to myself for every 5 pounds lost lol! Some are just little, like a new case for my cell phone or this lotion I adore, when I get closer to my goal weight they get bigger, like a massage and a new bikini/some kind of weekend getaway so I can show it off!!
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    I now have two things that I am debating between - I might just do both, haha.

    One is a tattoo that I have been planning for years and years. The other I just decided last night... that I want a Red Wings jersey. I have awhile to decide what player I want though!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm doing a reward around the halfway point - a new tattoo. It'll be my 3rd, and I'm getting a Scottish thistle.

    I haven't decided on a reward for hitting my final goal, mostly because I'm not sure what my final goal will be yet!
  • grace914
    grace914 Posts: 139 Member
    I can't wait for my gift. I hope to hit my goal weight on 9/14/11 - because I'll be in Punta Cana, DR for my 30th!
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    Any special gift or event you plan on doing when you hit your goal weight?

    I am hoping to hit mine by my birthday in May and when I do I am going to go sky diving :D

    When i get to my goal weight i will be having a new hair/ style cut & my pony tail will be going to locks of love ( or another one that collects hair donation. As my body would look different i think something new to go with will be great. I better get saving for my hair cut.
  • Ashrack85
    Ashrack85 Posts: 7 Member
    I plan on hitting my goal weight around April, so I want a new summer wardrobe and a new bathing suit :)
  • princess_f
    I want tattoos,a full back piece or one over my ribs/hips
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    New clothes and hairdo!!!
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    A vacation to Cabo, or Cancun or HI. Not sure, but somewhere other than to see the in-laws or to see my family! If I can stay at that weight for one year I am getting myself upgraded boobies! No more 30 year old mom boobs for me! Hello 18!
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    I'm going to Disney World!! :bigsmile:

    No seriously. My gift to myself when I hit ALL my goals, running time & weight, is 4 days at Disney & registration in the Disney Marathon. I'm hoping to run it January 2012 and finish with a time of 4:48:00 or less (11:00 average).

    And I fully intend to run "dressed" as Cinderella.
  • fitmom125
    My gift to me would be shopping to buy the sexiest, but classy outfits I could find. And I will wear those sexy getups that has been in my closet waiting for me. That includes that skimpy, sexy bikini I bought last year.
  • I now have two things that I am debating between - I might just do both, haha.

    One is a tattoo that I have been planning for years and years. The other I just decided last night... that I want a Red Wings jersey. I have awhile to decide what player I want though!

    Wings? Get a Leafs jersey!!!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Definitely a new sexy wardrobe....and sexy shoes I I've been wearing not so cute comfortable shoes for too long)
    But besides that I'm thinking fo doing something big like a trip or a cruise :love:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I never actually thought of it...
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I now have two things that I am debating between - I might just do both, haha.

    One is a tattoo that I have been planning for years and years. The other I just decided last night... that I want a Red Wings jersey. I have awhile to decide what player I want though!

    Wings? Get a Leafs jersey!!!

    OMG no don't get a Leaf's jersey hahaha:laugh: I shouldn't laugh to hard, my oiler's are 29th in the league...god I wish they'd get their poop in a group!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I've thought about some kind of gift, but really I want my weight loss to be about improving my health for the sake of improving my health, not because I'm working to earn a special gift... my gift will be my healthy, fit body! My gift will be the ability to engage in physical activity without feeling out of shape and overwhelmed, and the feeling of pride that I will have in knowing that I'm treating myself with the respect that I deserve, and knowing that I really am working to be the best me possible.

    I'm not saying it's bad to motivate yourself with some kind of goal-reward if that's what you need, but I've decided that's not how I want to approach my weight loss.
  • FIREfitGrl27
    This is a good topic to help stay focused on the goal and task at hand! :)
    I'd like to see jaws drop when I step into my 10 year class reunion. I've had a BIG change, but I want "WOWzers" at the beginning and end of those "You Look GREAT" lol I'm going for that and I want it!
    I also want the 'beachbody'....I know if I work for it and do what I have to do...I'll get it....the point I going to do what it takes?
    Those are the treats I'm looking forward to for the weight loss goals I've set. :)
  • run_way
    run_way Posts: 220
    There is a lady on Etsy that makes the most adorable tank tops, sweatshirts, etc. that have running-inspired sayings on them. I am going to buy a sweatshirt and a few tank tops!