Hi Everyone!

I'm new to MFP today. I started my diet yesterday and found this via my phone today. I'm Stephanie - 29 year old mother of a 2 year boy. I'm a CPA in Virginia. I graduated college in 2004 and weighed 120 (I'm 5' 2") and now I'm 190. I want to get down to my goal weight of 140 by the summer (I've honestly never really dieted before so I have no idea if that possible). I don't eat a lot of veggies or fruits and am addicted to Dr. Pepper so I think this is gonna be tough. I can definitely use all of the motivating friends I can get!


  • mmildice
    Hello and welcome. Diet Dr. Pepper tastes pretty good. Thats one of the only diet pops that I will drink. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can work together :smile: