Advice with running?!

Simonscat Posts: 249
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I've signed up to a half marathon on September 18th 2011!
Basically I'm a really bad running. I tried running for 10 mins the other day but only managed 7mins, then rested then another 2 mins then rested and the final 1 minute.
Can anyone give advice and tips to increase how many mins I run?!
Add me as a friend if you want to :)



  • Try this to start with and build up from there
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Look up Couch 2 5K. It gradually helps you learn how to run straight for a half hour. There are other programs after you've mastered that one for 10Ks and more.

    Droid and the Iphone have apps for it so you can listen to your own music while you run. It will tell you when to walk and when to jog.

    Robert Ullrey also has mp3's that you can download that work as well if the apps aren't an option for you.
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    what was your speed? When i first started I was the same, 8 minutes of running and I was gassed. I realized my issue was my pace. Once I slowed down to 12 minute mile I was able to run a mile and a half. The following week I did three miles. This may not be that helpful for someone about to do a half marathon, but try to do three miles at a 12.3 minute mile. Do you have anything that you can use to track your miles/pace? I stare at my nike+ program on my ipod. Even now i find at times I run to fast and on comes the side stitch. I use my ipod to keep myself at around a 10 minute mile now and I can run as long my normal distance.
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