How often do you weigh in??

Sohnsearae Posts: 74
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I'm having trouble weighing in only once a week. I only want to weigh in once a week, but sometime the scale just calls my name. I've made a conscious decision to weigh in on Mondays so that I'm accountable for the weekends, but find that on Friday’s I really want to know how I'm doing. Does anyone else have this problem? Also it seems like the tracking system on here is daily is that common?


  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Everyday. But I don't think it's a problem, I don't get hung up on the number. It fluctuates daily anyways, at least I can see it coming:laugh:

    Not weighing myself regularly is what got me into this mess. If you don't get hung up on the number, don't worry about it.

    My recordable weigh in is Friday after a week of clean eating.
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    I weigh myself everyday. I know...bad habit. I can't help it.
  • I am OCD about weighing myself, because if I don't I won't know where I am and it is a motivator to know if I've gained or lost any. So, I weigh in on my weight watcher's digital scale probably twice a day. I know I shouldn't be so concerned about it, but I like to see where I am. Is that crazy?
  • I do it every day ....:frown:
  • wtlw
    wtlw Posts: 10
    Everyday... it helps me focus on my day of what I should be eating... It is really up to the person... if they can handle the up and downs... You can weight yourself everyday and divide by seven and that is your loss for the week.
  • I weigh in every morning but only record my weight on Sunday :)
  • DaddyMantz
    DaddyMantz Posts: 145 Member
    Every day. First thing in the morning.
  • I weigh in every helps me get motivated to stay on track for the day!!
  • sd59940
    sd59940 Posts: 27
    I weigh myself everyday first thing in the morning with the same attire possible, before I eat or drink anything. What counts is after seven days. In my opinion that number after a week is the one that matters.
  • Every morning so that I can stay motivated. If I've picked up a pound it makes me work harder to get it back off.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I weigh in every helps me get motivated to stay on track for the day!!

    I feel the same way.
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    Every day. Once in the morning completely naked, once at night completely naked. I like to keep track of my fluctuations. A lot of people only weight in once a week, or not at all. Do what makes you happy! Whenever I see the scale go up even just a few ounces, it makes me want to work harder the next day to eat right and workout, what's wrong with that? It doesn't mean I freak out over it, it just means that I want to better myself. Now that I have gone through all of my weight loss, I am more knowledgeable about my body and fluctuations, but I still weigh myself every day.
  • MayaNelson
    MayaNelson Posts: 62 Member
    Every Morning and Every Night.
    Too much... I guess.
  • Okay so if I weigh in everyday, every other day, it's not so bad. Like some of you said, I just don't want to get hung up on the number or feel discouraged if I didn't lose.
  • Sherri71
    Sherri71 Posts: 208 Member
    Weigh daily just to make sure you are going in the right direction, first thing in the AM is the best to stay consistent. The track and record weekly.
  • Everyday. Though this week I'm trying to go from Monday to Friday without weighing in. So far so good.
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    I used to weigh in everyday and I let it get to me too much. It was terribly discouraging and caused me to give up more than once. I got rid of my bathroom scale and now I only weigh in at the gym.

    I only record my weight once a week on Tuesdays but I generally weigh myself mid week just to see how I'm doing. And since it's the only way I can weigh myself then I have to go to the gym :D .
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    Everyday... it helps me focus on my day of what I should be eating... It is really up to the person... if they can handle the up and downs... You can weight yourself everyday and divide by seven and that is your loss for the week.

    why do you divide by 7 ?
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    I have to agree... I weigh everyday to make sure I am on track. Even if I only lost an ounce, I am happy. And if I gain... well, i chalk it up to a weight fluctuation and keep on doing what I have been doing.
    I record my "official" weight once a week on Wednesdays. I picked Wednesday because it gives me a few days to get back on track if I was out of town for the weekend and had to eat out instead of making my own food. Even if I eat out, I try to eat healthy but it's hard to exercise and I often go over my kcal for the day (not by much) so I am back on track and by Wednesday I still ususally go down for the week.
    Do what works for you and good luck!
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    I do the same, but only submit my Friday weigh in! LOL
    Every day. First thing in the morning.
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