Last 10 pounds...when???

I need a spark of hope today. The end of November I weighed this. I went up and down through the holidays in hopes of breaking the plateau. How much longer? I'm 42 and at my physical max in exercise. I like my routine and eat really well. Even doing the math i should have been at my goal in Dec but my body wouldn't let go. How long did it take you to lose the last 10 pounds?


  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    I am right there with you!

    So, I am starting all over today! Reset my ticker, starting some new rules, and trying to re-motivate myself! I am going to shoot to eat 1200 calories a day (which is a lot of food for me), and 100 grams of protein/day. Today was my first day at it, and I did it! (I feel like I might explode....But I did it!)
  • funnygirl0940
    I can't believe you ate less than 1200 calories!!! Glad you're eating more!
  • katebjones
    katebjones Posts: 32 Member
    I need a spark of hope today. The end of November I weighed this. I went up and down through the holidays in hopes of breaking the plateau. How much longer? I'm 42 and at my physical max in exercise. I like my routine and eat really well. Even doing the math i should have been at my goal in Dec but my body wouldn't let go. How long did it take you to lose the last 10 pounds?

    It took me 7 weeks to lose 10 lbs.. at one time.. :( im 24.. but when i lost that 10 lbs i was losing fat.. with that 10lbs lost i lost 6% of my body fat. good luck. hope that helps.. my trainer says you have to burn 3500 calories/ week to lose one lb of fat.. so.. not really sure.. every persons body is different..

    Do you drink all of your water? do you ever check your sugar amounts you eat.. and also sodium intake? i lost 30lbs at one point on weight watchers and wasnt losing any more.. i started watching my sodium under a different program and i lost.. so look into those factors! good luck!
  • funnygirl0940
    Thank you for your reply. I prepare low sodium and drink 10 glasses of water faithfully. It has to do with my age. When i was younger i could drop 10 in 2 weeks. It's different at 40+ :). Keep the weight off so you won't have to go through this.
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    I do think you're right....Now that I am 42 (well, I will be in 8 days) I am really struggling for every pound lost! When I was younger, in my 20s and 30s, I could drop weight fast and easy! If I gained a bit of weight, I'd just plan a little bit, work out every day, and the next thing I knew the weight was gone! Not so much now!

    I do think that consistency is going to be the key! If we stick with this, be stubborn, and consistent, WE CAN DO IT! :)
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    One of my dear friends is a dietitian and I've learned a lot of interesting facts from here. For example, eating below your resting basal metabolic rate makes you hold onto fat and makes it more difficult to lose weight. She had an obese client eating only 900 cal a day, and she would still gain. The whole "starvation mode" thing. Eating a hell of a lot of protein with very few carbs can amp up your metabolism (do it for a couple months) and then you're reset. Also, the body adapts and becomes efficient to a certain exercise routine and will often burn fewer calories in a familiar routine. Trying a completely new activity or at a new time can confuse the body.Lifting weights to build more muscle mass to burn more calories (which, of course, we should be doing as we age so as to preserve muscle and bone mass). If you're into products, I'm using the Nexagen Patch to rev up my metabolism and maintain muscle, and I've been very happy with it. When I manage to stick to my plan, its very effective.
    Paying for a visit or two to a dietitian and/or trainer can be incredibly helpful to tweek your routine in just the right ways!
  • funnygirl0940
    thanks chel,
    I don't know how comfortable I'd be going to a nutritionist/dietitian here. I'd rather research the info online and see if I can find what I's a trust issue.

    You know how it is. I know myself. When I lost 40 pounds at 33, I ate 1200-1400 calories a day. In 16 weeks the weight was off. I had access to a Y, and was mountain bike riding my brains out :D There was a lot to build up to. The Y had a pool too, and a rowing machine! My back misses that. So I'm 9 years older, have a home gym, can "switch" my routine by how many loops I ride around the neighborhood. It's at a difficult level. Sunday, I completed week 13 and have lost a total of 12-13 pounds. I lost 30+ pounds eating low fat, processed food! Yes, high protein too. I used to eat 10-13% fat, 23-25% protein and the rest carbs. It worked for me but I'm not eating that way anymore. My diet & routine is sooo much better than before. I did drink the spirulina tea this afternoon and I'm not into products. Just wondered how long it took other 40 something year old women to lose the last 10 pounds. Today I calculated 1 pound a week... i hope!
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Even doing the math i should have been at my goal in Dec but my body wouldn't let go.

    While it is a caloric equation, it is not exact science and there are SO many things that affect how we lose weight. Age is definitely not on our side!!

    Try changing up WHAT you are eating, do some calorie cycling, and play around with it. I never used to have an issue with carbs, but as I have gotten older, I definitely eat less of them, and try to make sure they are not refined. It is definitely a challenge for me to find balance since I am a runner. Same goes with your exercise, add some HIIT or add in a new exercise. Our bodies become more efficient over time @ burning calories so you have to work longer/harder to get the same burn.
  • funnygirl0940
    Here's the thing. I'm eating Mediterranean. It's not a high protein diet. I don't eat processed food, I make it from scratch. Even grind my own wheat berry. This week hopefully I see something. gained 8 pounds after Christmas in a week & lost it in a week. I'm definitely tweaking my calories :D It'll be interesting to see what happens this month! I've got the brewers yeast going again too. That's a whole food that helps boost energy w/all the B vit & iron.
  • funnygirl0940
    I just checked and my diary says I'm way under on carbs and over on protein...go figure? I can never get enough iron...someday, I'll figure out to get enough from food!
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    Well, I have always stuck with a low-fat diet of lean foods and lots of fruits and veggies.....Until I joined MFP. I've tried every diet out there, and lost weight on every single one! (Including 40 lbs. once with Slim Fast.)

    I've lost 8 lbs. since I've been on MFP, and now I can't seem to lose anything! I've just started eating my 1200 daily calories, upped my protein to 100 grams/day, drink lots of water, AND work out daily! My weight took a jump up of 3 lbs. over the weekend, and now is up another 0.2 lbs.

    Any other suggestions from anyone!?!? I am trying the 4 Hour Body diet by Tim Ferriss (Slow Carb diet....lots of protein). I do know that now that I am middle-aged (ugh!) weight loss is harder.....But, c'mon! Weight gain on 1200 calories!?!? (I don't eat my exercise calories)
  • funnygirl0940
    if the scale doesn't move down sat or sun, i just may try the eating my exercise calories for a week...what could it possibly hurt. and it'll only delay me a week..what's a week?? I sent you a lengthy pm. I don't think you eat enough and you're over working out :(((( i'm a meanie...honest though! :D
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member

    I've lost 8 lbs. since I've been on MFP, and now I can't seem to lose anything! I've just started eating my 1200 daily calories, upped my protein to 100 grams/day, drink lots of water, AND work out daily! My weight took a jump up of 3 lbs. over the weekend, and now is up another 0.2 lbs.

    If you just recently made those changes you may be retaining some water. I would hold off on eating exercise calories for another week or so, and even then I might only add 100-200. I'm a runner and I hit a particularly rough plateau a couple of years ago when I was @ the heart of a half marathon training program and I could not believe I was not losing weight. I upped my water and increased my cals from my normal range of 1400-1600 to max of 1800 and the weight starting coming off again. I usually made it a piece of fruit or healthy carb. But that type of exercise is the exception, not the rule.

    For various reasons I am not a fan of eating back exercise calories primarily because it is not an exact science and a hundred calories here or there can make the difference between losing or not, and maybe even gaining. But it is important to maintain a healthy calore intake, and for me that's 1400-1600 cals. I remember reading sometime ago that you should minimally eat your BMR calories. Find a BMR calculator and see what that # is. If it's more than 1200, use the BMR # as your base.