what naughty treats can't you live without?



  • revphillips
    revphillips Posts: 19 Member
    King Cake! It's SO hard to watch what you eat in Southern Louisiana! Especially when King Cake (Mardi Gras) is around and crawfish season is coming up! God help me during crawfish season!!
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    Honestly...nothing! :( All my favorite treats I haven't been able to eat in over a year since I'm dairy free due to pretty bad lactose intolerance (easier to be dairy free then play the hit or miss game with dairy products!) Okay well there is something... I do love pistachios, almonds, peanuts...any type of nuts! Yummmmm...definitely could not live without those!
  • Aspynmom
    Aspynmom Posts: 166 Member
    "Kid" cereals...Cap'n Crunch, Lucky Charms, you name it! I'd sit on the couch and munch on a bowl of dry cereal like some people eat popcorn!!! Most of them aren't too bad calorie wise but loaded with sugar. I still have it, but limit to about 1/2 dry cup and eat 1 piece at a time...:)
  • cdino
    cdino Posts: 29 Member
    Love the Skinny cow ice creams! Such a treat and I feel like I am cheating. I particularly like the carmel vanilla cone and the ice cream sandwiches...yummy!
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    My favorite "naughty" treat is always some kind of iced coffee, like a Starbucks Frappuccino or something. :laugh:
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Marshmallows. I've forced myself to switch to fat free 5 calorie ready whip which works most of the time. But nothing better than a good Jet Puff :) The strawberry one's are awesome.
    My new motto is Cancer loves Sugar.... so I'm avoiding sugar at all costs while my best friends husband battles his last few months of life, I'm giving up marshmallows for her. But...it's my "can't live without" treat.
  • cbevan
    cbevan Posts: 31 Member
    Dove dark chocolate promises. Yum.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    wine. Oh dear.

  • Peanut Butter. Just on a spoon (or liberally applied to most any food). I now let myself have one TBSP a week. I tried the natural stuff but it just doen't do it for me.
  • cbevan
    cbevan Posts: 31 Member
    Peanut Butter. Just on a spoon (or liberally applied to most any food). I now let myself have one TBSP a week. I tried the natural stuff but it just doen't do it for me.

    Once a week? OMG - I eat peanut butter almost every day - 1 Tbsp on whole wheat toast with an apple or banana for breakfast. Keeps me nice and full all AM.
  • Pat_Johnson
    Pat_Johnson Posts: 32 Member
    I can't give up my coffee or red wine. The latter I've cut WAY back on, but I can't get rid of it completely. Cheese too - it sneaks in a couple days. You can keep your sweets! I'm a salt-tooth (popcorn is heaven).
  • gbtesq
    gbtesq Posts: 84 Member
    Ice cream! I have a horrible sweet tooth! My first inclination was M&M's. I was going to measure some out in little baggies but didn't think I would do it. So, now I have 2 weight watchers dark chocolate raspberry bars when I have a craving.

    I never even considered giving up my decaf coffee!! Everything else is negotiable. :-)
  • Pat_Johnson
    Pat_Johnson Posts: 32 Member
    I agree with the coffee and wine lol omg and I have my husband pop me bags of popcorn I like it when you pop it on the stove and just sprinkle a little popcorn salt yum.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hershey's chocolate (including kitkats, reese's, kisses, etc.) and smores poptarts! Last night I had a whole hershey's bar before dinner and only had enough calories to eat 1/2 cup of egg substitute and a piece of toast for dinner. Lol. Sometimes I'll eat a package of poptarts for lunch too. Poptarts are 400 calories per pack! Ugh! :) I love them though. Ever since I started "dieting" I've had a huge sweet tooth. Before, I used to HATE anything sweet. Haha.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Marshmallows. I've forced myself to switch to fat free 5 calorie ready whip which works most of the time. But nothing better than a good Jet Puff :) The strawberry one's are awesome.
    My new motto is Cancer loves Sugar.... so I'm avoiding sugar at all costs while my best friends husband battles his last few months of life, I'm giving up marshmallows for her. But...it's my "can't live without" treat.

    Fellow Marshmallow Fiend here! The homemade ones at Whole Foods are mmmmmmmmmmm
    "Cancer loves sugar" is a really good motto. I have such a sweet tooth but I've come a long way in giving up my candy cravings.
  • yardleyluv
    Dark chocolate and Wine... I will allow myself to have these naughty little treats on Valentine's Day if, I'm really good until then...:)
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Ice Cream. I HAVE to have it every night. But I've switched from "ice cream", to Edy's juice bars - Orange and cream. It tastes sweet and ice creamy, but is only 80 calories and no fat.
  • nisharae
    nisharae Posts: 204
    I would have said chocolate about a month ago but sadly have become severely lactose intollerant just recently. One piece makes me sick so it is now completly off limits.
    I mentioned to my husband recently that chocolate was my nemisis and wished there was a way to conquor it. He actually had the nerve to remind me of this comment and told me to be careful what you wish for . . . . . . funny guy!

    They do have chocolate chips that are non dairy/gluten free at whole foods.. I love them.. 70 calories for 2 TBS. You could melt them down and do all sorts of stuff with em.. Just a thought... Everyone should be able to enjoy chocolate :D. ( In moderation of course)
  • ssaemblog
    I like to have an occasional frap or hot drink from Starbucks on a Sunday. Normally, I get iced coffee for myself, but my dad pays on Sundays, so I like to take advantage of it. :)
  • misskate1971
    misskate1971 Posts: 27 Member
    Ice cream, but I have started to LOVE the Skinny Cow single cups! Awesome!

    I am learning some new, wonderful ideas here, people! Thanks for sharing!
